An interview with
Alina Jessl | Project & Communication Manager
“Connect the dots between individual roles and the goals of the organization. When people see that connection, they get a lot of energy out of work. They feel the importance, dignity and meaning in their job.
– Ken Blanchard and Scott Blanchard
1) What is your role at Plasmion?
I am both a marketing manager and a project manager. Together with my colleague @Petra, I work continuously on our marketing strategy. In addition, I’m part of an incredible project team that is all about our HaVoc industrial sensor. Due to my experience in leading teams, I am also allowed to support team development at Plasmion – to create a unique culture, define how we want to work together, and connect the individual roles with the goals of our organization.
2) What skills are particularly valuable for your work at Plasmion?
My experience in digital marketing across various industries is a great advantage for Plasmion’s marketing. I have a good sense of communication and love being creative. The capability of managing teams and projects is especially beneficial for the market launch of our new industry sensor – and of course for any other project. In this fast-growing and innovative company, I can also use my experience in team leadership and development.
Basically, my job at Plasmion is a perfect match for my previous experiences and strengths.
3) Why did you choose Plasmion as an employer?
I was incredibly excited about the innovative technology and the opportunity to accompany and shape the future of Plasmion. Of course, there is always a lot to do, and everything is changing, but that is exactly what makes it so exciting. I can really get involved everywhere I want to and I learn new things every day – in a trusting and unique environment. A perfect mix between my own values and the goals of the company!