News &

Wel­co­me to our news & blog web­site, whe­re we bring the world of ap­pli­ed mass spec­tro­me­try and io­niza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy to life. Our con­tent is de­si­gned to be in­for­ma­ti­ve, en­ga­ging, and easy to un­der­stand, so that ever­yo­ne can app­re­cia­te the im­pact that the­se tech­no­lo­gies are ha­ving on our world. Join us on a jour­ney of dis­co­very and in­no­va­ti­on as we ex­plo­re the la­test de­ve­lo­p­ments in this fa­sci­na­ting field.

Re­vie­w­ing 2024: In­ter­view with Jan and Tho­mas Wolf

We as­ked our two lea­ders to wrap up Plas­mi­on’s year 2024. Read the in­ter­view for their per­so­nal high­lights, chal­lenges, and the les­sons they’­ve lear­ned along the way.

Po­lar or Non­po­lar – That is the Ques­ti­on

Po­la­ri­ty is one of the fun­da­men­tal pro­per­ties of mole­cu­les. In this ar­tic­le, you’ll learn more about the con­cept of mole­cu­lar po­la­ri­ty, li­pids spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, and the chal­lenges en­coun­te­red in stu­dy­ing them.

Tech­no­lo­gy Talk: Foun­der Jan-Chris­­toph Wolf on the SICRIT® Breath Ap­pli­ca­ti­on

Foun­der Jan-Chris­­toph Wolf on Plas­mi­on’s Breath Ana­ly­sis Ap­pli­ca­ti­on: Learn about the tech­no­lo­gy, its in­te­gra­ti­on and how it can re­vo­lu­tio­ni­ze he­alth care.

WEBINAR: Ex­plo­ring Me­ta­bo­lo­mics with SICRIT®

Join us in this web­i­nar to ex­plo­re the di­ver­se ap­pli­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties of SICRIT® in the field of me­ta­bo­lo­mics.

Wha­t’s the Deal with Li­pi­do­mics?

Read our ar­tic­le to find out what li­pi­do­mics is, why it is ge­ne­ra­ting so much hype, and what the cur­rent chal­lenges are that the che­mi­cal com­mu­ni­ty faces in li­pid re­se­arch.

Plas­mi­on Hi­king Day

Get some in­sights into our team­’s hi­king day in the Am­mer­gau­er Alps!

Me­ta­bo­lo­mics: Trans­la­ting the Hu­man Body

This ar­tic­le aims to cla­ri­fy what Me­ta­bo­lo­mics are all about and how SICRIT® can help to fur­ther de­ve­lop this field of re­se­arch.

WEBINAR: Ana­ly­zing Pe­sti­ci­des with SICRIT®

Join us in this web­i­nar to del­ve deeper into the io­niza­ti­on ca­pa­bi­li­ties of SICRIT® when ana­ly­zing pe­sti­ci­des using LC- or GC-MS.

Plas­mi­on at ASMS

We are par­ti­ci­pa­ti­ng in the ASMS con­fe­rence 2024 from June 2–6 in Ana­heim, Ca­li­for­nia! Join us in this ex­ci­ting event.

ISO: The Gold Stan­dard for Busi­nesses as well as Cus­to­mers

Plas­mi­on is now ISO 9001 cer­ti­fied. This in­ter­view ar­tic­le is de­di­ca­ted to the na­tu­re and the im­pacts of this cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on on the com­pa­ny.

„Win a SICRIT® Source“ – Win­ners

The­se are the win­ners of our „Win a SICRIT® Source“ gi­vea­way: Pro­fes­sor Ré­gis Gouge­on, Uni­ver­si­té de Bour­go­gne; As­so­cia­te Pro­fes­sor Han­ne Rø­­berg-Lar­­sen, Uni­ver­si­ty of Oslo; Gobi Ana­ly­ti­cal, Co­lo­ra­do

New Pa­per Out

Au­then­ti­ca­ti­on of the bo­ta­ni­cal ori­gin of mo­no­flo­ral ho­ney by dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge io­niza­ti­on high re­so­lu­ti­on mass spec­tro­me­try (DBDI-HRMS). Brea­ching the 6 s bar­ri­er of ana­ly­sis time

Pe­sti­ci­des: Boon and Bane

This ar­tic­le aims to cla­ri­fy what pe­sti­ci­des are, their use as well as their risks, how they can be tes­ted and whe­re SICRIT® can be of help.

Win 1 of 3 SICRIT® ion sources for a 12 month tri­al pe­ri­od!

The only thing you have to do is to con­vin­ce us of the re­le­van­ce of your pro­ject and why the SICRIT® source is the per­fect fit.

Mi­cro De­tec­ti­ves – The Fu­ture of Fo­ren­sic Drug Ana­ly­sis

Learn more about the me­thods of fo­ren­sic drug ana­ly­sis and a smart so­lu­ti­on with gre­at po­ten­ti­al to re­vo­lu­tio­ni­ze the fu­ture of the field.

Plas­mi­on and Wa­ters – Co-Mar­ke­­ting Agree­ment

Com­pa­nies agree to make Plas­mi­on SICRIT® ion source com­pa­ti­ble with Wa­ters ACQUITY™ QDa™ De­tec­tor and SELECT SERIES™ Cy­clic IMS™ mass spec­tro­me­ters.

SICRIT® Uni­ver­se Ex­pe­ri­ence

Dis­co­ver the SICRIT® Uni­ver­se and dive right into all the ap­pli­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties of our ver­sa­ti­le ion source!

Plas­mi­on at Ana­ly­ti­ca

Plas­mi­on is pre­sen­ting their in­no­va­tions and pro­duct port­fo­lio at ana­ly­ti­ca in Mu­nich.

Plas­mi­on at Anu­ga

Plas­mi­on is pre­sen­ting their Ha­Voc In­dus­tri­al Sen­so­ry Sys­tem at Anu­ga food tec trade fair.

New Pa­per Out

Ra­pid de­sorp­ti­on and ana­ly­sis for il­li­cit drugs and che­mi­cal pro­fil­ing of fin­ger­prints by SICRIT® Ion Source

About Scents, Christ­mas and SICRIT®

We as­ked our Lab Ma­na­ger & Ap­pli­ca­ti­on Spe­cia­list how Christ­mas smells to her and how she would ana­ly­ze the­se smells. Read her ans­wers in the in­ter­view.

Christ­mas Par­ty 2023

We had a mer­ry evening at our Christ­mas par­ty in beau­tiful­ly de­co­ra­ted pre­mi­ses, com­pe­ted against each other in vir­tu­al sports, and crea­ted a 𝒫𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓂𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒢𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝒱𝒾𝒷𝑒𝓈 𝒫𝓁𝒶𝓎𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉 tog­e­ther.

By Io­niza­ti­on Only: De­tec­ting Ni­tros­ami­nes with Mass Spec­tro­me­try

Dis­co­ver which io­niza­ti­on me­thods are ty­pi­cal­ly used for the ana­ly­sis of ni­tros­ami­nes, the chal­lenges that may ari­se, and a pro­mi­sing al­ter­na­ti­ve.

Bet­ter safe than sor­ry

Dis­co­ver more about food safe­ty con­trol in the in­dus­try and learn how con­su­mers and pro­du­cers can be even bet­ter pro­tec­ted in the fu­ture with the smart so­lu­ti­on by the Ha­voc® Sen­so­ry Sys­tem.

Ap­pli­ed Mar­kets – Mass Spec­tro­me­try for the Mas­ses

Dis­co­ver in our ar­tic­le the po­ten­ti­al of mass spec­tro­me­try, what Ap­pli­ed Mar­kets ent­ail, and the role Plas­mi­on plays in ad­van­cing MS.

Ho­ney Ho­ney, how you fool me!

Learn more about the di­men­si­ons of food fraud and ways to pro­tect pro­du­cers and con­su­mers loo­king at the use case ho­ney.

Ima­gi­ne, Snif­fing Mole­cu­les

Ima­gi­ne a de­vice that could ana­ly­ze the mole­cu­lar com­pon­ents of a sam­ple by „snif­fing“ them. Read in this aric­le what Di­rect MS me­ans for re­se­arch and la­bo­ra­to­ries.

„The main thing is that it tas­tes good“ or „The main thing is that it tas­tes the same“?

The hu­man as a crea­tu­re of ha­bit and qua­li­ty stan­dards in the fla­vor in­dus­try. An ar­tic­le about aro­ma and how the Ha­voc® Sen­so­ry Sys­tem can sup­port the in­dus­try.

Why Breath Ana­ly­sis is the Fresh Bree­ze Dri­ving a Me­di­cal Re­se­arch Re­vo­lu­ti­on

In this ar­tic­le, we ex­plo­re th­ree ex­ci­ting aspects of breath ana­ly­sis that are ma­king it the next big thing in me­di­cal re­se­arch.

PFAS: Here to Stay

In this ar­tic­le, we ex­plo­re the world of PFAS, shed­ding light on what they are, whe­re they ap­pear, cur­rent me­a­su­res be­ing ta­ken, and the chal­lenges ana­ly­ti­cal che­mis­try faced in ad­dres­sing this is­sue.

He­li­um Shorta­ge: Hy­dro­gen as an Al­ter­na­ti­ve Car­ri­er Gas with Be­ne­fits on Top

The use of he­li­um as a car­ri­er gas in gas chro­ma­to­gra­phy (GC) has been the go-to op­ti­on for many ye­ars.

3 Things to Know About Ni­tros­ami­nes

For­t­u­na­te­ly, drug scan­dals do not oc­cur too of­ten. Ho­we­ver, the re­cent dis­co­very of ni­tros­ami­nes in car­dio­vas­cu­lar ta­blets has gar­ne­red a lot of at­ten­ti­on.

The Pro­cess of Io­niza­ti­on

In the pro­cess of io­niza­ti­on neu­tral atoms or mole­cu­les are con­ver­ted into char­ged par­tic­les, or ions. This trans­for­ma­ti­on is fun­da­men­tal to mass spec­tro­me­try. Read more about this pro­cess.

Mass Spec­tro­me­try: A Powerful Ana­ly­ti­cal Tool for Mole­cu­lar Ana­ly­sis

Learn how mass spec­tro­me­try breaks down com­plex samples into me­a­sura­ble data by crea­ting, se­pa­ra­ting, de­tec­ting ions for mole­cu­lar in­sights.

Re­vie­w­ing 2024: In­ter­view with Jan and Tho­mas Wolf

We as­ked our two lea­ders to wrap up Plas­mi­on’s year 2024. Read the in­ter­view for their per­so­nal high­lights, chal­lenges, and the les­sons they’­ve lear­ned along the way.

Po­lar or Non­po­lar – That is the Ques­ti­on

Po­la­ri­ty is one of the fun­da­men­tal pro­per­ties of mole­cu­les. In this ar­tic­le, you’ll learn more about the con­cept of mole­cu­lar po­la­ri­ty, li­pids spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, and the chal­lenges en­coun­te­red in stu­dy­ing them.

Tech­no­lo­gy Talk: Foun­der Jan-Chris­­toph Wolf on the SICRIT® Breath Ap­pli­ca­ti­on

Foun­der Jan-Chris­­toph Wolf on Plas­mi­on’s Breath Ana­ly­sis Ap­pli­ca­ti­on: Learn about the tech­no­lo­gy, its in­te­gra­ti­on and how it can re­vo­lu­tio­ni­ze he­alth care.

WEBINAR: Ex­plo­ring Me­ta­bo­lo­mics with SICRIT®

Join us in this web­i­nar to ex­plo­re the di­ver­se ap­pli­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties of SICRIT® in the field of me­ta­bo­lo­mics.

Wha­t’s the Deal with Li­pi­do­mics?

Read our ar­tic­le to find out what li­pi­do­mics is, why it is ge­ne­ra­ting so much hype, and what the cur­rent chal­lenges are that the che­mi­cal com­mu­ni­ty faces in li­pid re­se­arch.

Plas­mi­on Hi­king Day

Get some in­sights into our team­’s hi­king day in the Am­mer­gau­er Alps!

Me­ta­bo­lo­mics: Trans­la­ting the Hu­man Body

This ar­tic­le aims to cla­ri­fy what Me­ta­bo­lo­mics are all about and how SICRIT® can help to fur­ther de­ve­lop this field of re­se­arch.

WEBINAR: Ana­ly­zing Pe­sti­ci­des with SICRIT®

Join us in this web­i­nar to del­ve deeper into the io­niza­ti­on ca­pa­bi­li­ties of SICRIT® when ana­ly­zing pe­sti­ci­des using LC- or GC-MS.

Plas­mi­on at ASMS

We are par­ti­ci­pa­ti­ng in the ASMS con­fe­rence 2024 from June 2–6 in Ana­heim, Ca­li­for­nia! Join us in this ex­ci­ting event.

ISO: The Gold Stan­dard for Busi­nesses as well as Cus­to­mers

Plas­mi­on is now ISO 9001 cer­ti­fied. This in­ter­view ar­tic­le is de­di­ca­ted to the na­tu­re and the im­pacts of this cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on on the com­pa­ny.

„Win a SICRIT® Source“ – Win­ners

The­se are the win­ners of our „Win a SICRIT® Source“ gi­vea­way: Pro­fes­sor Ré­gis Gouge­on, Uni­ver­si­té de Bour­go­gne; As­so­cia­te Pro­fes­sor Han­ne Rø­­berg-Lar­­sen, Uni­ver­si­ty of Oslo; Gobi Ana­ly­ti­cal, Co­lo­ra­do

New Pa­per Out

Au­then­ti­ca­ti­on of the bo­ta­ni­cal ori­gin of mo­no­flo­ral ho­ney by dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge io­niza­ti­on high re­so­lu­ti­on mass spec­tro­me­try (DBDI-HRMS). Brea­ching the 6 s bar­ri­er of ana­ly­sis time

Pe­sti­ci­des: Boon and Bane

This ar­tic­le aims to cla­ri­fy what pe­sti­ci­des are, their use as well as their risks, how they can be tes­ted and whe­re SICRIT® can be of help.

Win 1 of 3 SICRIT® ion sources for a 12 month tri­al pe­ri­od!

The only thing you have to do is to con­vin­ce us of the re­le­van­ce of your pro­ject and why the SICRIT® source is the per­fect fit.

Mi­cro De­tec­ti­ves – The Fu­ture of Fo­ren­sic Drug Ana­ly­sis

Learn more about the me­thods of fo­ren­sic drug ana­ly­sis and a smart so­lu­ti­on with gre­at po­ten­ti­al to re­vo­lu­tio­ni­ze the fu­ture of the field.

Plas­mi­on and Wa­ters – Co-Mar­ke­­ting Agree­ment

Com­pa­nies agree to make Plas­mi­on SICRIT® ion source com­pa­ti­ble with Wa­ters ACQUITY™ QDa™ De­tec­tor and SELECT SERIES™ Cy­clic IMS™ mass spec­tro­me­ters.

SICRIT® Uni­ver­se Ex­pe­ri­ence

Dis­co­ver the SICRIT® Uni­ver­se and dive right into all the ap­pli­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties of our ver­sa­ti­le ion source!

Plas­mi­on at Ana­ly­ti­ca

Plas­mi­on is pre­sen­ting their in­no­va­tions and pro­duct port­fo­lio at ana­ly­ti­ca in Mu­nich.

Plas­mi­on at Anu­ga

Plas­mi­on is pre­sen­ting their Ha­Voc In­dus­tri­al Sen­so­ry Sys­tem at Anu­ga food tec trade fair.

New Pa­per Out

Ra­pid de­sorp­ti­on and ana­ly­sis for il­li­cit drugs and che­mi­cal pro­fil­ing of fin­ger­prints by SICRIT® Ion Source

About Scents, Christ­mas and SICRIT®

We as­ked our Lab Ma­na­ger & Ap­pli­ca­ti­on Spe­cia­list how Christ­mas smells to her and how she would ana­ly­ze the­se smells. Read her ans­wers in the in­ter­view.

Christ­mas Par­ty 2023

We had a mer­ry evening at our Christ­mas par­ty in beau­tiful­ly de­co­ra­ted pre­mi­ses, com­pe­ted against each other in vir­tu­al sports, and crea­ted a 𝒫𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓂𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒢𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝒱𝒾𝒷𝑒𝓈 𝒫𝓁𝒶𝓎𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉 tog­e­ther.

By Io­niza­ti­on Only: De­tec­ting Ni­tros­ami­nes with Mass Spec­tro­me­try

Dis­co­ver which io­niza­ti­on me­thods are ty­pi­cal­ly used for the ana­ly­sis of ni­tros­ami­nes, the chal­lenges that may ari­se, and a pro­mi­sing al­ter­na­ti­ve.

Bet­ter safe than sor­ry

Dis­co­ver more about food safe­ty con­trol in the in­dus­try and learn how con­su­mers and pro­du­cers can be even bet­ter pro­tec­ted in the fu­ture with the smart so­lu­ti­on by the Ha­voc® Sen­so­ry Sys­tem.

Ap­pli­ed Mar­kets – Mass Spec­tro­me­try for the Mas­ses

Dis­co­ver in our ar­tic­le the po­ten­ti­al of mass spec­tro­me­try, what Ap­pli­ed Mar­kets ent­ail, and the role Plas­mi­on plays in ad­van­cing MS.

Ho­ney Ho­ney, how you fool me!

Learn more about the di­men­si­ons of food fraud and ways to pro­tect pro­du­cers and con­su­mers loo­king at the use case ho­ney.

Ima­gi­ne, Snif­fing Mole­cu­les

Ima­gi­ne a de­vice that could ana­ly­ze the mole­cu­lar com­pon­ents of a sam­ple by „snif­fing“ them. Read in this aric­le what Di­rect MS me­ans for re­se­arch and la­bo­ra­to­ries.

„The main thing is that it tas­tes good“ or „The main thing is that it tas­tes the same“?

The hu­man as a crea­tu­re of ha­bit and qua­li­ty stan­dards in the fla­vor in­dus­try. An ar­tic­le about aro­ma and how the Ha­voc® Sen­so­ry Sys­tem can sup­port the in­dus­try.

Why Breath Ana­ly­sis is the Fresh Bree­ze Dri­ving a Me­di­cal Re­se­arch Re­vo­lu­ti­on

In this ar­tic­le, we ex­plo­re th­ree ex­ci­ting aspects of breath ana­ly­sis that are ma­king it the next big thing in me­di­cal re­se­arch.

PFAS: Here to Stay

In this ar­tic­le, we ex­plo­re the world of PFAS, shed­ding light on what they are, whe­re they ap­pear, cur­rent me­a­su­res be­ing ta­ken, and the chal­lenges ana­ly­ti­cal che­mis­try faced in ad­dres­sing this is­sue.

He­li­um Shorta­ge: Hy­dro­gen as an Al­ter­na­ti­ve Car­ri­er Gas with Be­ne­fits on Top

The use of he­li­um as a car­ri­er gas in gas chro­ma­to­gra­phy (GC) has been the go-to op­ti­on for many ye­ars.

3 Things to Know About Ni­tros­ami­nes

For­t­u­na­te­ly, drug scan­dals do not oc­cur too of­ten. Ho­we­ver, the re­cent dis­co­very of ni­tros­ami­nes in car­dio­vas­cu­lar ta­blets has gar­ne­red a lot of at­ten­ti­on.

The Pro­cess of Io­niza­ti­on

In the pro­cess of io­niza­ti­on neu­tral atoms or mole­cu­les are con­ver­ted into char­ged par­tic­les, or ions. This trans­for­ma­ti­on is fun­da­men­tal to mass spec­tro­me­try. Read more about this pro­cess.

Mass Spec­tro­me­try: A Powerful Ana­ly­ti­cal Tool for Mole­cu­lar Ana­ly­sis

Learn how mass spec­tro­me­try breaks down com­plex samples into me­a­sura­ble data by crea­ting, se­pa­ra­ting, de­tec­ting ions for mole­cu­lar in­sights.

You don’t want to miss out on in­te­res­t­ing ar­tic­les, ex­ci­ting news and de­ve­lo­pe­ments ever again? Sub­scri­be to the Plas­mi­on News­let­ter or fol­low us on Lin­ke­dIn to stay in­for­med.