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SICRIT Uni­ver­se Ex­pe­ri­ence

Dis­co­ver the SICRIT Uni­ver­se and dive right into all the ap­pli­ca­ti­on pos­si­bi­li­ties of our ver­sa­ti­le ion source!

We cor­di­al­ly in­vi­te you to join us on March 7th, 2024 for an unfor­gettable day. Prepa­re for a dy­na­mic pro­gram fea­turing in­tro­duc­tions of new pro­ducts, in­sightful sci­en­ti­fic talks by SICRIT® users, and ap­pli­ca­ti­on show­ca­ses of the who­le SICRIT® Uni­ver­se.

We are loo­king for­ward to mee­ting you!


Dr. Lau­re Me­nin,

EPFL Lau­sanne

Dr. Chris­ti­an Steu­er, 

ETH Zü­rich

Dr. An­dre­as

La­bor Fried­le

Prof. Dr. Ni­co­le

TU Mu­nich

Dr. Do­mi­nik

Re­se­arch Cen­ter
Leib­niz Lung Cen­ter


9.30 AM

10.00 AM

10.45 AM

11.30 AM

02.00 PM

02.45 PM

03.30 PM

Wel­co­me and In­tro­duc­tion of the SICRIT Uni­ver­se

Talk Dr. Lau­re Me­nin & Yong-Qi Gao, EPFL Lau­sanne:
“In­ter­fa­cing LC-ESI and GC-DBDI to the same in­stru­ment: a smart & ver­sa­ti­le set­up for a MS Core Fa­ci­li­ty” (30 Min + 15 Min Q&A)

Talk Dr. Chris­ti­an Steu­er, ETH Zü­rich:
“SICRIT for Enhan­ced Qua­li­ty Con­trol of Phy­to­phar­maceu­ti­cals: Me­thod De­ve­lo­p­ment and Ap­pli­ca­ti­ons” (30 Min + 15 Min Q&A)

Talk Dr. An­dre­as Schmid­ber­ger, La­bor Fried­le:
“De­ve­lo­p­ment of a very fast me­thod for au­then­ti­ca­ti­on ana­ly­sis of food ex­ploi­ting mole­cu­lar fin­ger­prints using a di­rect in­jec­tion ap­proach via SICRIT-q-TOF-MS and sub­se­quent mul­ti­va­ria­te data ana­ly­sis” (30 Min + 15 Min Q&A)

Talk Prof. Dr. Ni­co­le Stritt­mat­ter, TU Mu­nich:
t.b.a. (30 Min + 15 Min Q&A)

Talk Dr. Do­mi­nik Schwud­ke, FZ Bors­tel:
„Eva­lua­ti­on of SICRIT ba­sed high re­so­lu­ti­on MS ana­ly­sis of exha­led breath for cli­ni­cal stu­dies“ (30 Min + 15 Min Q&A)

News from the SICRIT Uni­ver­se (incl. Ha­Voc)

Date and Time

Thurs­day, March 7, 2024
9am – 5pm


On­line-Event via Teams