
At Plas­mi­on, our dai­ly life re­vol­ves around in­ven­ting and dis­tri­bu­ting cut­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gy. Ho­we­ver, wit­nessing our in­ven­ti­on be­ing uti­li­zed in ground­brea­king re­se­arch is an in­cre­di­ble fee­ling that fills us with pri­de. You can ex­plo­re be­low all of the sci­en­ti­fic pa­pers that have been pu­blished in con­nec­tion to our tech­no­lo­gy.


Ra­pid Un­t­ar­ge­ted Puff-by-Puff Ana­ly­sis of (Elec­tro­nic) Ci­ga­ret­te Emis­si­ons by Con­cen­tric Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­ni­sa­ti­on Mass Spec­tro­me­try

In: Ana­ly­sis & Sens­ing, 2024
Yong-Qi GaoNa­ta­lia Gasi­l­o­va, Jan-Chris­toph WolfLau­re Me­ninMa­ria Pav­lou

Ion Che­mis­try in Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­niza­ti­on: Re­cent Ad­van­ces in Di­rect Gas Pha­se Ana­ly­ses

In: Mass­Spec­tro­me­try­Re­view, 2024
Kse­ni­ya Drya­hi­na, Mi­ros­lav Polá­šek, Ju­raj Jašík, Kris­tý­na So­vo­vá, Pa­trik Španěl

Cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on of a Soft Io­niza­ti­on by Che­mi­cal Re­ac­tion in Trans­fer Ion Source Hy­phen­a­ted With Su­per­cri­ti­cal Flu­id Chro­ma­to­gra­phy-Tan­dem Mass Spec­tro­me­try

In: Jour­nal of Se­pa­ra­ti­on Sci­ence, 2024, 47(18).
Ni­ray Bhak­ta, Alex­an­der S. Ka­p­litz, De­sti­ni Black, Ke­vin A. Schug

Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of Va­luable Wood Spe­ci­es Using Flow-Th­rough Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­niza­ti­on Mass Spec­tro­me­try Com­bi­ned with Ran­dom Fo­rest Mo­del

In: Jour­nal of Chi­ne­se Mass Spec­tro­me­try So­cie­ty, 2024, 45(4): 500–509.
SHANG Yu-han, MENG Xian-shuang, LYU Yue-guang, MA Qiang

In-Line Ther­mal De­sorp­ti­on and Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­niza­ti­on for Ra­pid Mass Spec­tro­me­try De­tec­tion of Ex­plo­si­ves

In: Ana­ly­ti­cal Che­mis­try, Vo­lu­me 96, Is­sue 33, Au­gust 2024
Tho­mas P. For­bes, Eliza­beth L. Ro­bin­son, Ed­ward Sis­co, Abi­ga­il Koss

Dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge io­niza­ti­on pro­cu­res cha­rac­te­ristic ad­ducts of po­ly­fluo­ro­al­kyl sub­s­tances (PFAS) amenable by gas chro­ma­to­gra­phy-mass spec­tro­me­try

In: Mi­cro­che­mi­cal Jour­nal, Vo­lu­me 204, Sep­tem­ber 2024, 111012
Con­tri­bu­tors: Thier­ry De­latour, Lau­re Me­nin, Bjørn Erik­sen, Na­ta­lia Gasi­l­o­va, Clau­dia Mu­ja­hid, Xan­thip­pe Theu­r­il­lat

Ra­pid Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of Cot­ton and Po­ly­es­ter Tex­ti­les Using Flow-th­rough Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­niza­ti­on Mass Spec­tro­me­try Com­bi­ned with Ran­dom Fo­rest Mo­del

In: Jour­nal of In­stru­men­tal Ana­ly­sis, Vol. 43, Is­sue 6, Pa­ges: 883–890(2024)
Con­tri­bu­tors: SHANG Yu-han, GE Yun-ch­eng, GAO Hai-yan, MENG Xian-shuang, MA Qiang

Am­bi­ent Io­niza­ti­on Mass Spec­tro­me­try Pro­vi­des Scree­ning of Sel­ec­ti­ve An­dro­gen Re­cep­tor Mo­du­la­tors

In: Talan­ta 6 June 2024, 126358
Con­tri­bu­tors: Alž­bě­ta Ne­meš­ka­lo­vá, Jit­ka Kon­va­lin­ko­vá, Mag­da­lé­na Vá­g­nero­vá, Mar­tin Ku­chař, Jan Buček, Vla­dimír Vr­kos­lav, Da­vid Sý­ko­ra, Jo­sef Cvač­ka, Mi­cha­el Vol­ny

Au­then­ti­ca­ti­on of the bo­ta­ni­cal ori­gin of mo­no­flo­ral ho­ney by dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge io­niza­ti­on high re­so­lu­ti­on mass spec­tro­me­try (DBDI-HRMS). Brea­ching the 6 s bar­ri­er of ana­ly­sis time

In: Food Con­trol June 2024, 160, 110330
Con­tri­bu­tors: An­drea Mas­s­aro, Car­me­la Za­co­metti, Mar­co Bra­go­lu­si, Jan Buček, Ro­ber­to Piro, Ales­san­dra Tata

Ra­pid au­then­ti­ci­ty as­sess­ment of PGI Hon­gyu­an yak milk ba­sed on SICRIT-QTOF MS

In: Food Che­mis­try 2024, 442
Con­tri­bu­tors: Zi­xu­an Zhang, Meng­jie Qie, Lu Bai, Shans­han Zhao, Ya­lan Li, Xia­o­ting Yang, Kehong Liang, Yan Zhao


Ra­pid De­sorp­ti­on and Ana­ly­sis for Il­li­cit Drugs and Che­mi­cal Pro­fil­ing of Fin­ger­prints by SICRIT Ion Source

In: Drug Test­ing and Ana­ly­sis, 2023
Con­tri­bu­tors: Cia­ra Con­way, Mar­kus We­ber, Al­li­son Ferran­ti, Jan-Chris­toph Wolf, Chris­toph Ha­isch


Mass Spec­tro­me­try Ima­ging of Li­pids Using MALDI Cou­pled with Plas­ma-Ba­sed Post-Io­niza­ti­on on a Trap­ped Ion Mo­bi­li­ty Mass Spec­tro­me­ter

In: Anal. Chem. 2022, 94, 50, 17494–17503
Con­tri­bu­tors: Jes­se A. Mi­cha­el, Sh­adrack M. Mu­tu­ku, Bo­ris Ucur, Tas­sia­ni Sar­ret­to, Alan T. Mac­ca­ro­ne, Mar­cel Nie­haus, Adam J. Tre­vitt, and Shane R. El­lis

Re­view on at­mo­sphe­ric pres­su­re io­niza­ti­on sources for gas chro­ma­to­gra­phy-mass spec­tro­me­try. Part I: Cur­rent ion source de­ve­lo­p­ments and im­pro­ve­ments in io­niza­ti­on stra­te­gies

In: Ana­ly­ti­ca Chi­mi­ca Acta
Con­tri­bu­tors: Juan F. Aya­la-Ca­bre­ra, Li­dia Mon­te­ro, Sven W. Me­ckel­mann, Flo­ri­an Ute­schil, Oli­ver J. Schmitz

At­mo­sphe­ric-Pres­su­re In­frared La­ser-Ab­la­ti­on Plas­ma-Pos­tio­niza­ti­on Mass Spec­tro­me­try Ima­ging of For­ma­lin-Fi­xed Par­af­fin-Em­bedded (FFPE) and Fresh-Fro­zen Tis­sue Sec­tions with No Sam­ple Pre­pa­ra­ti­on

In: Anal. Chem. 2022, 94, 28, 9970 – 9974
Con­tri­bu­tors: Rory T. Ste­ven, Mar­cel Nie­haus, Adam J. Tay­lor, Ammar Na­sif, Ef­stat­hi­os Elia, Ri­chard J. A. Good­win, Zol­tan Takats, and Jo­se­phi­ne Bunch

Gas­eous emis­si­ons of a hea­vy-duty en­gi­ne fue­led with po­ly­oxy­me­thy­le­ne di­me­thyl ethers (OME) in tran­si­ent cold-start ope­ra­ti­on and me­thods for af­ter-tre­at­ment sys­tem hea­ting

In: Roy­al so­cie­ty of che­mis­try 2022
Con­tri­bu­tors: Alex­an­der D. Gel­ner, Gen­ny A. Pang, Mar­kus We­ber, Chris­toph Ha­isch, Ha­rald A. Beck, Chris­ti­an Pas­toet­ter, Mar­tin Hartl, Mal­te Jaensch and Ge­org Wacht­meis­ter

De­tail­ed che­mi­cal ana­ly­sis of a ful­ly for­mu­la­ted oil using dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge io­ni­sa­ti­on-mass spec­tro­me­try.

In: CHIMIA 2022, 76, No. 1/2
Con­tri­bu­tors: Jia­fa Zeng, Alex­an­dra Chris­ten, Ka­pil Dev Singh, Urs Frey, and Pa­blo Si­nues

Com­pa­ri­son of Plas­ma Io­niza­ti­on- and Se­con­da­ry Elec­tro­spray Io­niza­ti­onHigh-re­so­lu­ti­on Mass Spec­tro­me­try for Real-time Breath Ana­ly­sis

In: CHIMIA 2022, 76, No. 1/2
Con­tri­bu­tors: Jia­fa Zeng, Alex­an­dra Chris­ten, Ka­pil Dev Singh, Urs Frey, and Pa­blo Si­nues


High-Th­rough­put Sin­gle-Cell Mass Spec­tro­me­try Reve­als Ab­nor­mal Li­pid Me­ta­bo­lism in Pan­crea­tic Duc­tal Ade­no­c­ar­ci­no­ma

In: An­ge­wand­te Che­mie: An­gew. Chem. 2021, 133, 24739 – 24747
Con­tri­bu­tors: Qin­lei Liu, Wen­jie Ge, Tong­tong Wang, Jiayi Lan, San­dra Mar­ti­nez-Jar­quin, Chris­ti­an Wolf­rum, Mar­kus Stof­fel and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi

Plug-and-play la­ser ab­la­ti­on-mass spec­tro­me­try for mole­cu­lar ima­ging by me­ans of dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge io­niza­ti­on

In: An­ge­wand­te Che­mie: Ana­ly­ti­ca Chi­mi­ca Acta 1177 (2021) 338770
Con­tri­bu­tors: Sa­bri­na K.I. Fun­ke, Va­le­rie A. Brückel, Mar­kus We­ber, Eli­as Lüt­zen, Jan-Chris­toph Wolf, Chris­toph Ha­isch, Uwe Karst

HELIOS/SICRIT/mass spec­tro­me­try for ana­ly­sis of ae­ro­sols in en­gi­ne ex­haust

In: Ae­ro­sol Sci­ence and Tech­no­lo­gy 2021, Vol. 55, No. 8, 886 – 900
Con­tri­bu­tors: Kle­mens M. Tha­ler, Lo­ren­za Gi­lar­di, Mar­kus We­ber, An­dre­as Voh­bur­ger, Zisi­mos To­u­ma­sa­tos, Ana­sta­si­os Kont­ses, Zis­sis Sa­ma­ras, Joni Kal­lio­ko­ski, Pau­li Si­mo­nen, Hilkka Ti­mo­nen, Min­na Au­re­la, San­na Saa­ri­ko­ski, Sampsa Mar­ti­ka­i­nen, Panu Kar­ja­lai­nen, Miik­ka Dal Maso, Jor­ma Kes­ki­nen, Rein­hard Niess­ner, Gen­ny A. Pang & Chris­toph Ha­isch


At­mo­sphe­ric Pres­su­re MALDI Mass Spec­tro­me­try Ima­ging Using In-Line Plas­ma In­du­ced Pos­tio­niza­ti­on

In: ana­ly­ti­cal che­mis­try: Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 15285–15290
Con­tri­bu­tors: Ef­stat­hi­os A. Elia, Mar­cel Nie­haus, Rory T. Ste­ven, Jan-Chris­toph Wolf, and Jo­se­phi­ne Bunch


Cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on of a Ni­tro­gen-Ba­sed Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­niza­ti­on Source for Mass Spec­tro­me­try Reve­als Fac­tors Im­portant for Soft Io­niza­ti­on

In: ana­ly­ti­cal che­mis­try: Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 6865 − 6871
Con­tri­bu­tors: Lu­zia Gyr, Fe­lix D. Klu­te, Joa­chim Franz­ke, and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi

Un­der­stan­ding and Op­ti­mi­zing the Io­niza­ti­on of Po­ly­cy­clic Aro­ma­tic Hy­dro­car­bons in Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Sources

In: ana­ly­ti­cal che­mis­try: Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 10694 − 10701
Con­tri­bu­tors: Anna Ka­ta­ri­na Huba, Ma­rio F. Mi­ra­bel­li, and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi

Fast scree­ning of il­li­cit drugs in be­ver­a­ges and bio­lo­gi­cal fluids by di­rect cou­pling of thin film mi­cro­ex­tra­c­tion to dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge io­niza­ti­on-mass spec­tro­me­try

In: Roy­al so­cie­ty of che­mis­try: Ana­lyst, 2019, 144, 2788 – 2796
Con­tri­bu­tors: Ma­rio F. Mi­ra­bel­li, Ema­nue­la Gi­on­fri­d­do, Ja­nusz Paw­lis­zyn and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi


A quan­ti­ta­ti­ve ap­proach for pe­sti­ci­de ana­ly­sis in gra­pe juice by di­rect in­ter­fa­cing of a ma­trix com­pa­ti­ble SPME pha­se to dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge io­niza­ti­on-mass spec­tro­me­try

In: Roy­al so­cie­ty of che­mis­try 2018
Con­tri­bu­tors: Ma­rio F. Mi­ra­bel­li, Ema­nue­la Gi­on­fri­d­do, Ja­nusz Paw­lis­zyn and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi

Me­cha­ni­stic Un­der­stan­ding Leads to In­creased Io­niza­ti­on Ef­fi­ci­en­cy and Sel­ec­ti­vi­ty in Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­niza­ti­on Mass Spec­tro­me­try – A Case Stu­dy with Per­fluo­ri­na­ted Com­pounds

In: ana­ly­ti­cal che­mis­try 2018
Con­tri­bu­tors: Lu­zia Gyr, Jan-Chris­toph Wolf, Joa­chim Franz­ke, and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi

High-Th­rough­put Scree­ning of PAHs and Po­lar Trace Con­ta­mi­nants in Wa­ter Ma­tri­ces by Di­rect So­lid-Pha­se Mi­cro­ex­tra­c­tion Cou­pled to a Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­niza­ti­on Source

In: Ana­ly­ti­ca Chi­mi­ca Acta (2018)
Con­tri­bu­tors: Anna Ka­ta­ri­na Huba, Ma­rio F. Mi­ra­bel­li, Re­na­to Zen­o­bi

A quan­ti­ta­ti­ve ap­proach for pe­sti­ci­de ana­ly­sis in gra­pe juice by di­rect in­ter­fa­cing of a ma­trix com­pa­ti­ble SPME pha­se to dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge io­niza­ti­on-mass spec­tro­me­try

In: Roy­al so­cie­ty of che­mis­try 2018
Con­tri­bu­tors: Ma­rio F. Mi­ra­bel­li, Ema­nue­la Gi­on­fri­d­do, Ja­nusz Paw­lis­zyn and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi


At­mo­sphe­ric pres­su­re soft io­niza­ti­on for gas chro­ma­to­gra­phy with dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge io­niza­ti­on-mass spec­tro­me­try (GC-DBDI-MS)

In: Roy­al so­cie­ty of che­mis­try 2017
Con­tri­bu­tors: Ma­rio F. Mi­ra­bel­li, Jan-Chris­toph Wolf and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi


Di­rect Cou­pling of So­lid-Pha­se Mi­cro­ex­tra­c­tion with Mass Spec­tro­me­try: Sub-pg/g Sen­si­ti­vi­ty Achie­ved Using a Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­niza­ti­on Source

In: ana­ly­ti­cal che­mis­try: Anal. Chem. 2016, 88, 7252 − 7258
Con­tri­bu­tors: Ma­rio F. Mi­ra­bel­li, Jan-Chris­toph Wolf, and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi

Pe­sti­ci­de ana­ly­sis at ppt con­cen­tra­ti­on le­vels: cou­pling nano-li­quid chro­ma­to­gra­phy with dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge io­niza­ti­on-mass spec­tro­me­try

In: Anal Bio­anal Chem (2016) 408:3425 – 3434
Contributors:Mario F. Mi­ra­bel­li, Jan-Chris­toph Wolf & Re­na­to Zen­o­bi

A Ra­di­cal-Me­dia­ted Pa­thway for the For­ma­ti­on of [M + H]+ in Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­niza­ti­on

In: Ame­ri­can So­cie­ty of Mass Spec­tro­me­try: J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2016) 27: 1468Y1475
Con­tri­bu­tors: Jan-Chris­toph Wolf, Lu­zia Gyr, Ma­rio F. Mi­ra­bel­li, Mar­tin Schaer, Pe­ter Sie­gen­tha­ler, Re­na­to Zen­o­bi


Plas­ma Io­niza­ti­on Source for At­mo­sphe­ric Pres­su­re Mass Spec­tro­me­try Ima­ging Using Near-Field Op­ti­cal La­ser Ab­la­ti­on

In: ana­ly­ti­cal che­mis­try: Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 1323 − 1329
Con­tri­bu­tors: Ma­ry­ia M. Nud­no­va, Jé­rô­me Sigg, Pas­cal Wal­li­mann, and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi

Di­rect Quan­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of Che­mi­cal War­fa­re Agents and Re­la­ted Com­pounds at Low ppt Le­vels: Com­pa­ring Ac­ti­ve Ca­pil­la­ry Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Plas­ma Io­niza­ti­on and Se­con­da­ry Elec­tro­spray Io­niza­ti­on Mass Spec­tro­me­try

In: ana­ly­ti­cal che­mis­try: Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 723 − 729
Con­tri­bu­tors: Jan-Chris­toph Wolf, Mar­tin Schaer, Pe­ter Sie­gen­tha­ler, and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi

Di­rect gas-pha­se de­tec­tion of ner­ve and blis­ter war­fa­re agents uti­li­zing ac­ti­ve ca­pil­la­ry plas­ma io­niza­ti­on mass spec­tro­me­try

In: Eu­ro­pean Jour­nal of Mass Spec­tro­me­try: Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. 21, 305 – 312 (2015)
Con­tri­bu­tors: J.-C. Wolf, M. Schaer, P. Sie­gen­tha­ler and R. Zen­o­bi


Real-time breath ana­ly­sis with ac­ti­ve ca­pil­la­ry plas­ma io­niza­ti­on-am­bi­ent mass spec­tro­me­try

In: Jour­nal of Breath: J. Breath Res. 8 (2014) 027102 (8pp)
Con­tri­bu­tors: Lu­kas Bregy, Pa­blo Mar­ti­nez-Lo­za­no Si­nues, Ma­ry­ia M. Nud­no­va and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi

2012 pa­pers

Ac­ti­ve ca­pil­la­ry plas­ma source for am­bi­ent mass spec­tro­me­try

In: Ra­pid Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons in Mass Spec­tro­me­try: Ra­pid Com­mun. Mass Spectrom. 2012, 26, 1447 – 1452
Con­tri­bu­tors: Ma­ry­ia M. Nud­no­va, Liang Zhu and Re­na­to Zen­o­bi