Fre­quent­ly as­ked

We coll­ec­ted the most fre­quent­ly as­ked ques­ti­ons (FAQ) and ans­wers around the SICRIT® Io­niza­ti­on Tech­no­lo­gy be­low. If you are not able to find an ans­wer to your ques­ti­on in the FAQ, plea­se do not he­si­ta­te to cont­act us.

What does the acro­nym SICRIT® stand for?

SICRIT® is short for Soft Io­niza­ti­on by Che­mi­cal Re­ac­tion In Trans­fer.

What is the prin­ci­ple of SICRIT®?

SICRIT® is a plug & play flow th­rough io­niza­ti­on source by Plas­mi­on for mass spec­tro­me­ters. It uti­li­zes a cold plas­ma for­med by a dielec­tric bar­ri­er di­schar­ge (DBDI) for soft io­niza­ti­on of or­ga­nic mole­cu­les.

What ion forms are usual­ly ge­ne­ra­ted by SICRIT®?

SICRIT® com­bi­nes th­ree io­niza­ti­on me­cha­nisms (ESI, APCI and APPI). For this re­ason, main­ly pro­to­na­ted and de­pro­to­na­ted spe­ci­es along with ra­di­cals are be­ing for­med. For mole­cu­les with at least one func­tion­al group, it is al­most ex­clu­si­ve­ly [MH]+.

Can I so­mehow con­trol which io­niza­ti­on pa­thway is more pr­e­va­lent at the spe­ci­fic mo­ment?

Yes and no. The­re is no ‘’switch’’ to con­trol the io­niza­ti­on pa­thways. Ho­we­ver, by mo­di­fy­ing the en­vi­ron­men­tal con­di­ti­ons (e.g. de­li­ve­ring more hu­mi­di­ty), one or an­o­ther io­niza­ti­on pa­thways may be enhan­ced.

Does SICRIT® re­qui­re any con­su­ma­bles?

The only con­su­ma­ble is the io­niza­ti­on core might need to be re­pla­ced af­ter about 12 months, high­ly de­pen­ding on the ap­pli­ca­ti­on and usa­ge. The re­pla­ce­ment pro­ce­du­re ta­kes about 60 se­conds, though.

Do I need any no­ble / ex­ter­nal ga­ses to run SICRIT®?

No, SICRIT® needs no ex­tra ga­ses to ig­ni­te the plas­ma. It works even with am­bi­ent air. Ho­we­ver, no­ble ga­ses can be used if re­qui­red for a spe­ci­fic ap­pli­ca­ti­on.

Which se­pa­ra­ti­on tech­ni­ques can one cou­ple to SICRIT®?

SICRIT® en­ables a cou­pling with al­most all com­mon se­pa­ra­ti­on tech­ni­ques like LC, GC or SFC.

Does SICRIT® af­fect the fre­quen­cy of MS clea­ning?

As for now, Plas­mi­on has no data that ope­ra­ting SICRIT® would have any con­nec­tion with get­ting the con­nec­ted MS more con­ta­mi­na­ted.

What main­ten­an­ce does SICRIT® re­qui­re?

SICRIT® re­qui­res very low main­ten­an­ce. In case the­re should be any con­ta­mi­na­ti­on or clo­cking, users can ea­si­ly clean the source them­sel­ves, fol­lo­wing our clea­ning in­s­truc­tion vi­deo.

How to con­trol the SICRIT® Ion Source?

The source is con­trol­led using the sup­pli­ed con­trol unit or the sup­pli­ed soft­ware.

Can the ope­ra­ti­on of the SICRIT® Ion Source harm my mass spec­tro­me­ter?

No – the source is moun­ted on the exis­ting in­let of the mass spec­tro­me­ter, so no ch­an­ges are made to the mass spec­tro­me­ter its­elf.

Which set­tings need to be ch­an­ged on the mass spec­tro­me­ter?

Ba­si­cal­ly not­hing needs to be ch­an­ged on the mass spec­tro­me­ter set­up. Only unu­sed pa­ra­me­ters (such as gas flows and spray vol­ta­ge) are swit­ched off or re­du­ced.

Ha­ving SICRIT® in­stal­led, do I have to op­ti­mi­ze my cur­rent MRMs?

No, SICRIT® al­lows you to work with all curr­ent­ly used MS work­flows.

How does SICRIT® deal with non-vo­la­ti­le samples?

SICRIT® is plas­ma ba­sed io­niza­ti­on source de­si­gned for gas pha­se ana­ly­sis. To cope with non-vo­la­ti­le samples, Plas­mi­on of­fers mo­du­les (e.g. GC/SPME- or LC/SFC-Mo­du­le) that al­low to in­ject and va­po­ri­ze li­quids or in­ject and ther­mal­ly de­sorb so­lid samples, e.g. via so­lid pha­se mi­cro­ex­tra­c­tion (SPME).

Can I switch SICRIT® from po­si­ti­ve to ne­ga­ti­ve mode?

SICRIT® pro­du­ces both ty­pes of ions si­mul­ta­neous­ly. The­r­e­fo­re, po­la­ri­ty can be di­rect­ly swit­ched on the MS wi­t­hout fur­ther ad­jus­t­ments ne­ces­sa­ry for the source.

Can I compa­re the GC-SICRIT® data to exis­ting da­ta­ba­ses, e.g. NIST?

Yes and no. The com­pa­ri­son with exis­ting da­ta­ba­ses is pos­si­ble. Ho­we­ver, sin­ce al­most ex­clu­si­ve­ly [MH]+ spe­ci­es are ob­ser­ved, the com­pa­ri­son is only pos­si­ble with LC-MS da­ta­ba­ses and not with GCEI- MS da­ta­ba­ses e.g. NIST.

How te­dious is it to in­stall SICRIT®?

SICRIT® in­stal­la­ti­on and de-in­stal­la­ti­on ta­kes about a mi­nu­te. This me­ans, one can also ea­si­ly switch back and forth with other ion source if nee­ded.

Do I have to in­stall any ad­di­tio­nal soft­ware to ope­ra­te SICRIT®?

No, SICRIT® is strict­ly plug-and-play. You just need to in­stall the hard­ware and push the “On”-Button.

Do I have to vent my MS du­ring SICRIT® in­stal­la­ti­on?

No. The va­cu­um of your MS stays com­ple­te­ly int­act du­ring the in­stal­la­ti­on.

What mass spec­tro­me­ter ma­nu­fac­tu­r­ers are curr­ent­ly sup­port­ed by SICRIT®?

Plas­mi­on curr­ent­ly sup­pli­es in­ter­faces for al­most all SCIEX, Ther­mo, Agi­lent, Bru­ker, Jeol, Shi­madzu, and Wa­ters in­stru­ments. Other ma­nu­fac­tu­r­ers or in­di­vi­du­al so­lu­ti­ons are available on re­quest.

Which mass spec­tro­me­ters can be equip­ped with SICRIT®?

Ge­ne­ral­ly all LC-mass spec­tro­me­ters with an API (At­mo­sphe­ric Pres­su­re In­let) can be equip­ped with the SICRIT® Ion Source. This me­ans all mass spec­tro­me­ters which are usual­ly equip­ped with an ESI or APCI source.