
Mass spec­tro­me­try (MS) ima­ging vi­sua­li­zes the spa­ti­al ar­ran­ge­ment of mole­cu­les, such as bio­mar­kers, me­ta­boli­tes, pep­ti­des, or pro­te­ins, ba­sed on their mole­cu­lar mas­ses. The SICRIT® Ion Source in com­bi­na­ti­on with a la­ser ab­la­ti­on set­up or as post-io­niza­ti­on de­vice for (AP-) MALDI en­ables MS ima­ging down to 5μm.

The SICRIT® Ion Source in com­bi­na­ti­on with a la­ser ab­la­ti­on set­up or as post-io­niza­ti­on de­vice for (AP-) MALDI en­ables MS ima­ging down to 5μm.

High Re­so­lu­ti­on La­ser Ab­la­ti­on

Graphic that shows the com­bi­na­ti­on of a UV-la­ser ab­la­ti­on sys­tem with a heated transfer line and the flow-th­rough SICRIT® Ion Source to a MS

The com­bi­na­ti­on of a UV-la­ser ab­la­ti­on sys­tem with the flow-th­rough SICRIT® Ion Source al­lows for a ef­fi­ci­ent, soft io­niza­ti­on-ba­sed vi­sua­liza­ti­on of mole­cu­les with a very high spa­ti­al re­so­lu­ti­on.

The SICRIT® Ion Source can be hy­phen­a­ted to any com­mer­cial la­ser ab­la­ti­on sys­tem and ne­ar­ly any API mass spec­tro­me­ter that is com­mer­ci­al­ly available. This makes this tech­ni­que easy to ad­apt to in­di­vi­du­al needs re­gar­ding the sam­ple type and ana­ly­ti­cal ques­ti­on.“

Elia, E.A. et al, Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 15285–15290

Pos­tio­niza­ti­on For (AP)Maldi

Graphic that shows the com­bi­na­ti­on of a UV-la­ser ab­la­ti­on sys­tem as a primary ionization method coupled via a heated transfer line to the flow-th­rough SICRIT® Ion Source as a secondary ionization to a MS

Using the flow-th­rough SICRIT® Ion Source as post-io­niza­ti­on de­vice for AP-MALDI ima­ging al­lows to io­ni­ze and vi­sua­li­ze ad­di­tio­nal mole­cu­les that have not been io­ni­zed with the pri­ma­ry io­niza­ti­on source. This si­gni­fi­cant­ly ex­pands the mass spec­tro­me­tric view on the sam­ple in an MS ima­ging ap­proach.

The ease with which the SICRIT® de­vice can be in­stal­led and the mi­ni­mal need for op­ti­miza­ti­on pres­ents this com­mer­ci­al­ly available tool as an at­trac­ti­ve me­thod for simp­le post-io­niza­ti­on for any AP-MALDI MS ima­ging.“

Elia, E.A. et al, Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 15285–15290

Re­la­ted Do­cu­ments

Mole­cu­lar ima­ging using la­ser ab­la­­ti­on-pos­­tio­­ni­za­­ti­on mass spec­tro­me­try
Here, a com­ple­te so­lu­ti­on is pre­sen­ted for con­ver­ting any mass spec­tro­me­ter (MS) with an at­mo­sphe­ric pres­su­re in­let (LC-MS) into a la­ser ab­la­ti­on (LA)-MS for ima­ging using the SICRIT® io­niza­ti­on

New Ima­ging Book­let
To per­form che­mi­cal ima­ging, plug & play in­ter­face the high-per­for­mance la­ser ab­la­ti­on (LA) sys­tem from Ele­men­tal Sci­en­ti­fic La­sers (ESL imageBIO266) di­rect­ly with your LC-MS using the SICRIT® ion source and pro­cess the pro­du­ced data with ESL’s io­li­te Ver­si­on 4 soft­ware.

Dis­co­ver our Pro­ducts

Find the per­fect so­lu­ti­on for your use case, with Plasmion’s ad­van­ced tech­no­lo­gy and ex­per­ti­se in che­mi­cal ana­ly­sis for re­se­arch or in­dus­try.