
Ex­plo­re our re­sour­ces to learn more about the be­ne­fits of SICRIT and how it can re­vo­lu­tio­ni­ze your work. Get ac­cess to all our App No­tes, Pro­duct No­tes, and Web­i­nars af­ter en­te­ring your E‑Mail adress be­low.


#Es­sen­ti­al Oils

Bet­ter than Jean-Bap­tis­te Gre­nouil­le – Di­rect, Real-Time Head­space Ana­ly­sis of Es­sen­ti­al Oils by SICRIT MS

In this stu­dy, a di­rect, real-time sample-preparation-free-„sniffing“ ana­ly­sis of es­sen­ti­al oils was per­for­med by SICRIT cou­pled to a por­ta­ble sin­gle quad MS to clas­si­fy dif­fe­rent ty­pes of es­sen­ti­al oils and to show the sui­ta­b­li­li­ty of this me­tho­do­lo­gy for high th­rough­put ana­ly­sis of es­sen­ti­al oil qua­li­ty and au­then­ti­ca­ti­on ana­ly­sis.


Swit­ching io­niza­ti­on? No Pro­blem! Ana­ly­sis of 78 pe­sti­ci­des in com­plex ma­tri­ces using a stan­dard LC-ESI work­flow with SICRIT®

In this stu­dy, we uti­li­ze a HRMS cou­pled to the SICRIT LC-Mo­­du­­le to ana­ly­ze 78 pe­sti­ci­des across mul­ti­ple clas­ses when ex­po­sed to se­ve­ral com­plex bio­lo­gi­cal ma­tri­ces to see how well we stand in mi­mi­cking the ESI func­tion­a­li­ty and io­niza­ti­on with an ESI spe­ci­fic me­thod, with ESI do­mi­na­ted ana­lytes of choice.


SICRIT®-HRMS for Me­ta­bo­lic Pro­fil­ing th­rough Di­rect Breath Ana­ly­sis

We de­mons­tra­te an easy ex­ten­si­on of con­ven­tio­nal ca­pa­bi­li­ties for the SICRIT® io­niza­ti­on source, cou­pled to a high-re­so­lu­ti­on MS in­stru­ment, th­rough a me­ta­bo­lo­mic-ba­sed breath ana­ly­sis and how groups of tar­get mas­ses can be iso­la­ted and ana­ly­zed for po­ten­ti­al bio­mar­ker iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on.


Per­for­mance Eva­lua­ti­on of 41 Com­mon Pe­sti­ci­des by LC-SICRIT fea­turing Shi­madzu LC-40 and 9030 LC-MS QToF

To bridge this gap bet­ween the dif­fe­rent pe­sti­ci­de ana­ly­te clas­ses, and pro­vi­de a new per­spec­ti­ve on LC io­niza­ti­on, we pre­sent SICRIT® LC-Mo­du­le. In this stu­dy, we uti­li­ze a HRMS cou­pled to the SICRIT® LC-Mo­du­le to ana­ly­ze 41 com­mon pe­sti­ci­des.


Com­pa­ri­son of SICRIT® and APCI in the Ana­ly­sis of Ni­tros­ami­nes with Li­quid Chro­ma­to­gra­phy

In this stu­dy we pro­vi­de a di­rect com­pa­ri­son of APCI and the SICRIT® io­niza­ti­on source for the ana­ly­sis of 7 Ni­tros­ami­nes by LC-HRMS.


LC-SICRIT®-HRMS Ana­ly­sis of Non-Po­lar Li­pids fea­turing Shi­madzu Ne­xera LC and 9030 LC-MS QToF

In this set of me­a­su­re­ments, we de­mons­tra­te the de­tec­tion ca­pa­bi­li­ties of 8 dif­fe­rent Tria­cyl-gly­ce­ri­des of va­ry­ing length and sa­tu­ra­ti­on with LC-SICRIT®-HRMS.


SICRIT®-HRMS for Tar­ge­ted Ex­po­so­mic-Me­ta­bo­lo­mic Re­se­arch th­rough Di­rect Re­spi­ra­to­ry Ana­ly­sis

We de­mons­tra­te an ex­ten­si­on of con­ven­tio­nal ca­pa­bi­li­ties for the SICRIT® io­niza­ti­on source, cou­pled to a high-re­so­lu­ti­on MS in­stru­ment, th­rough a me­ta­bo­lo­mic-ba­sed breath ana­ly­sis and how ef­fi­ci­ent it is to con­duct tar­ge­ted stu­dies of dy­na­mic me­ta­bo­lo­mic pro­files, of the lungs, for an in­di­vi­du­al per­son, in real­time.

#Aro­ma #Fla­vor #Food

Cha­rac­te­riza­ti­on of cher­ry-type fla­vorings ba­sed on vo­la­ti­le com­pounds by me­ans of the Ha­Voc sen­so­ry sys­tem

Fla­vorings are very po­pu­lar as they pro­vi­de an ex­tra tas­te to foods and be­ver­a­ges such as pa­stries, ice cream, sweets, cof­fee, or tea.


GC-SICRIT®-MS: Fast and sen­si­ti­ve ana­ly­sis of 6 ni­tros­ami­nes by re­pla­cing he­li­um with hy­dro­gen as car­ri­er gas

A fast de­ter­mi­na­ti­on of 6 ni­tros­ami­ne com­pounds by GC-SICRIT®-(LC)MS is de­mons­tra­ted.


Ul­tra-Sen­si­ti­ve GC-SICRIT®-HRMS Ana­ly­sis of Ni­tros­ami­nes in Phar­maceu­ti­cal Samples fea­turing Hy­dro­gen as GC Car­ri­er Gas and Shi­madzu LCMS-9030 QToF

In this stu­dy we de­mons­tra­te ul­tra-sen­si­ti­ve de­ter­mi­na­ti­on of va­rious ni­tros­ami­ne com­pounds by GC-SICRIT®-MS using H2 as car­ri­er gas and full scan high re­so­lu­ti­on MS data from Shi­madzu LCMS-9030.

#Ni­tros­ami­nes #Shi­madzu

Cou­pling of GC and LCMS Sys­tems via SICRIT® Soft Io­niza­ti­on Source for Sen­si­ti­ve De­tec­tion of Ni­tros­ami­nes

Ni­tros­ami­ne have emer­ged as im­pu­ri­ties of ma­tu­re con­cern in phar­maceu­ti­cal pre­pa­ra­ti­ons. In­iti­al­ly de­tec­ted by the US FDA in drugs used in the tre­at­ment of hy­per­ten­si­on and he­art fail­ure con­tai­ning Sar­tan as ac­ti­ve phar­maceu­ti­cal in­gre­di­ents.


Sen­si­ti­ve De­tec­tion of Ni­tros­ami­nes for Drug Qua­li­ty Con­trol using SICRIT® Soft Io­niza­ti­on-MS

In this stu­dy we de­mons­tra­te sen­si­ti­ve de­ter­mi­na­ti­on of ni­tros­ami­ne com­pounds by GC-soft io­niza­ti­on-MS out­per­forming GC-MS and LC-MS me­thods in view of drug qua­li­ty con­trol.


SICRIT® – HRMS for Exha­led Breath Ana­ly­sis

We show, how ea­si­ly the SICRIT® Ion source can be ad­apt­ed to high-re­so­lu­ti­on MS in­stru­ments for trace ana­ly­sis of bio­mar­kes and me­ta­boli­tes in exha­led breath.

#SPME Ana­ly­ses

SICRIT® Tech­no­lo­gy for Fast and Di­rect SPME-MS Ana­ly­sis of En­vi­ron­men­tal Trace Con­ta­mi­nants

We pre­sent a ver­sa­ti­le me­thod for di­rect and quan­ti­ta­ti­ve iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of trace con­ta­mi­nants in en­vi­ron­men­tal samples wi­t­hout sam­ple pre­pa­ra­ti­on using SICRIT® soft
io­niza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy.


Che­mi­cal War­fa­re Agents – Di­rect SICRIT®-MS Ana­ly­sis

Alt­hough che­mi­cal war­fa­re agents (CWA) and their use are out­la­wed, they still are an im­mi­nent th­re­at to peo­p­le all over the world.


Fast and Di­rect De­tec­tion of Ex­plo­si­ves using SICRIT®-MS

The de­tec­tion of ex­plo­si­ves and ex­plo­si­ve-re­la­ted com­pounds is a high-prio­ri­ty tasks in re­cent ye­ars for home­land se­cu­ri­ty and coun­ter-ter­ro­rism ap­pli­ca­ti­ons.


Fast and Di­rect De­tec­tion of Per­fluo­ro­car­box­lyic acids (PFCA) with SICRIT®-MS

Per- and po­ly­fluo­ro­al­kyl com­pounds (PFAS), espe­ci­al­ly their car­boxy­lic acids (PFCA), are ubi­qui­tous­ly used che­mi­cals as fla­me re­tar­dants, sur­fac­tants, and coa­tings.


Soft io­niza­ti­on GC-HRMS of n‑Alkanes C8 – C20 (SCIEX Tri­ple­T­OF® 5600)

We in­tro­du­ce a ver­sa­ti­le new me­thod for trace ana­ly­sis of non-po­lar short-chain n‑alkanes C8-C20 using GC-SICRIT®-HRMS.


Soft io­niza­ti­on GC-HRMS of n‑Alkanes C8 – C20 (Ther­mo LTQ Or­bi­trap XL)

We in­tro­du­ce a ver­sa­ti­le new me­thod for trace ana­ly­sis of non-po­lar short-chain n‑alkanes C 8 ‑C 20 using GC-SICRIT® ‑HRMS.


GC soft io­niza­ti­on cou­pling to LC-MS with SICRIT® (Ther­mo LTQ Or­bi­trap XL)

Due to his­to­ric re­asons the world of mass spec­tro­me­try is still di­vi­ded into GC-MS and LC-MS sys­tems and users the­reof.


Cof­fee Aro­ma Pro­fil­ing – Di­rect SICRIT® HR-MS Ana­ly­sis

Cof­fee is one of the most po­pu­lar be­ver­a­ges and known for its ma­ni­fold aro­ma pro­files.


Photograph of Plasmion's Control Unit resembling the topic of the offered product note on Plasmion Downloads


SICRIT® Io­niza­ti­on Set SC-30

The SICRIT® (Soft Io­niza­ti­on by Che­mi­cal Re­ac­tion In Trans­fer) SC-30 Io­niza­ti­on Set is a plug & play flow­th­rough io­niza­ti­on add-on for mass spec­tro­me­ters with an at­mo­sphe­ric pres­su­re in­let. It can be in­ter­faced with al­most all LC-MS sys­tems on the mar­ket.

Photograph of Plasmion's GC/SPME Mo­du­le resembling the topic of the offered product note on Plasmion Downloads



The SICRIT® GC/SPME Mo­du­le con­nects sta­te-of-the-art sam­ple en­rich­ment and se­pa­ra­ti­on tech­ni­ques with your SICRIT® Ion Source.

Photograph of Plasmion's Hea­ted Trans­fer Line resembling the topic of the offered product note on Plasmion Downloads


SICRIT® Hea­ted Sam­pling Line

The SICRIT® Hea­ted Sam­pling Line is de­si­gned to im­pro­ve the coll­ec­tion and trans­port of ana­lytes to the MS and al­lows for count­less new ways to bring samples to the MS in­stru­ment.

Photograph of Plasmion's LC/SFC Mo­du­le resembling the topic of the offered product note on Plasmion Downloads



The SICRIT® LC/SFC Mo­du­le en­ables the con­nec­tion from con­ven­tio­nal li­quid or su­per­cri­ti­cal flu­id chro­ma­to­gra­phy to mass spec­tro­me­ters using the SICRIT® io­niza­ti­on source.



Web­i­nar: Ana­ly­zing Pe­sti­ci­des with SICRIT

Dr. Jan Bucek

07.03.2024 SICRIT UNIVERSE Event 2024

Our ex­pe­ri­en­ces de­ve­lo­ping SICRIT me­thods for di­rect ana­ly­sis

Prof. Dr. Ni­co­le Stritt­mat­ter (TU Mu­nich)

07.03.2024 SICRIT UNIVERSE Event 2024

De­ve­lo­p­ment of a very fast me­thod for au­then­ti­ca­ti­on ana­ly­sis of food ex­ploi­ting mole­cu­lar fin­ger­prints using a di­rect in­jec­tion ap­proach via SICRIT-q-TOF-MS and sub­se­quent mul­ti­va­ria­te data ana­ly­sis

Dr. An­dre­as Schmid­ber­ger (La­bor Fried­le)

07.03.2024 SICRIT UNIVERSE Event 2024

SICRIT for Enhan­ced Qua­li­ty Con­trol of Phy­to­phar­maceu­ti­cals and Es­sen­ti­al Oils: Me­thod De­ve­lo­p­ment and Ap­pli­ca­ti­ons

Dr. Chris­ti­an Steu­er (ETH Zü­rich)

07.03.2024 SICRIT UNIVERSE Event 2024

In­ter­fa­cing LC-ESI and GC-DBDI to the same in­stru­ment a ver­sa­ti­le set­up for a MS Core Fa­ci­li­ty

Dr. Na­ta­lia Gasi­l­o­va (EPFL Lau­sanne)


Ra­pid ana­ly­sis of il­li­cit drugs and che­mi­cal pro­fil­ing of fin­ger­prints

Dr. Jan Bucek (Plas­mi­on)

Cover slide of the webinar about Webinar03 SICRIT MS For In Situ implying its streaming offer on Plasmion Downloads


SICRIT-MS for in-situ ana­ly­sis of VOCs in va­rious samples -

Prof. Zhou Jiang (Pe­king Uni­ver­si­ty)

Cover slide of the webinar about Webinar04 HELIOS SICRIT Mass Spectrometry implying its streaming offer on Plasmion Downloads


HELIOS/SICRIT/mass spec­tro­me­try for ana­ly­sis of ae­ro­sols in en­gi­ne ex­haust -

Prof. Chris­toph Ha­isch ( TU Mu­nich)

Cover slide of the webinar about Beyond Standard Analytical Workflows implying its streaming offer on Plasmion Downloads


Bey­ond stan­dard ana­ly­ti­cal work­flows – Cou­pling of GC and Shi­madzu LCMS in­stru­ments with Plas­mi­on SICRIT® ion source -

Dr. Sa­scha Rex­roth (Shi­madzu)

Cover slide of the webinar about Experiences With The Plasmion SICRIT implying its streaming offer on Plasmion Downloads


Ex­pe­ri­en­ces with the Plas­mi­on SICRIT Flow-th­rough Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Ion Source -

Ro­bert (Chip) Cody, Ph.D. (JEOL)

Cover slide of the webinar about Real Time Monitoring Of Cereal Roasting implying its streaming offer on Plasmion Downloads


Real-time mo­ni­to­ring of ce­re­al roas­ting pro­ces­ses by ul­tra-hi­gh­res­o­lu­ti­on mass spec­tro­me­try with plas­mi­on io­niza­ti­on -

Leo­pold Weid­ner (HHZ Mu­nich)

Cover slide of the webinar about Webinar02 GC Coupling implying its streaming offer on Plasmion Downloads


GC Cou­pling to LC-MS In­stru­ments ‑Ex­pand your Mass Spec­tro­me­tric “View” with SICRIT -

Dr. Jan-Chris­toph Wolf (Plas­mi­on)

Cover slide of the webinar aboutWebinar01 Direct MS Screening implying its streaming offer on Plasmion Downloads


Di­rect MS Scree­ning – Get Re­sults Fas­ter with SICRIT -

Dr. Jan-Chris­toph Wolf (Plas­mi­on)