Gas Chro­ma­to

SICRIT® en­ables to do gas chro­ma­to­gra­phy (GC) on any LC-MS in­stru­ment. In do­ing so, it blurs the tra­di­tio­nal line bet­ween GC(-MS) and LC(-MS) and en­ables to com­bi­ne the ad­van­ta­ges from the­se two fields in one in­te­gra­ted so­lu­ti­on.

Ex­em­pla­ry ana­ly­sis

SICRIT® al­lows to com­bi­ne high se­pa­ra­ti­on power with soft io­niza­ti­on, high re­so­lu­ti­on, and ro­bust­ness re­gar­ding car­ri­er ga­ses for gas chro­ma­to­gra­phy.

GC-SICRIT®-MS com­bi­nes the su­pe­ri­or chro­ma­to­gra­phic re­so­lu­ti­on of gas chro­ma­to­gra­phy with soft io­niza­ti­on even for chal­len­ging ana­lytes like al­ka­nes. It is no lon­ger ne­ces­sa­ry to have two in­stru­ments for LC- and GC-MS me­a­su­re­ments. In­s­tead, both se­pa­ra­ti­on tech­ni­ques can be cou­pled to a sin­gle mass spec­tro­me­ter great­ly sa­ving cos­ts and va­luable la­bo­ra­to­ry space. The hig­her pum­ping ca­pa­ci­ty of LC-MS in­stru­ments co­mes with the ad­di­tio­nal be­ne­fit of in­creased fle­xi­bi­li­ty for hig­her flowra­tes ty­pi­cal­ly used with al­ter­na­ti­ve car­ri­er ga­ses like hy­dro­gen.

Graphic that shows how with SICRIT® GC-LC-MS Coupling com­bi­nes the su­pe­ri­or chro­ma­to­gra­phic re­so­lu­ti­on of GC with soft io­niza­ti­on even for chal­len­ging ana­lytes like al­ka­nes
Graphic that shows how GC-HRMS with soft io­niza­ti­on al­lows for con­fi­dent iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of com­pounds like Trichlorobiphenyl as an example of GC-LC-MS Coupling

GC-HRMS with soft io­niza­ti­on al­lows for con­fi­dent iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of com­pounds ba­sed on exact mass and iso­to­pe pat­tern. Iso­to­pe si­gnals can be cle­ar­ly di­stin­gu­is­hed from other si­gnals with the same no­mi­nal mass as shown for the PCB M+ .

SICRIT® al­lows to me­a­su­re the same com­pounds with LC, GC or wi­t­hout chro­ma­to­gra­phy on the same MS. The sen­si­ti­vi­ty of a mo­dern LC-MS/MS can the­r­e­for also be ap­pli­ed to gas chro­ma­to­gra­phy me­a­su­re­ments as shown for ni­tros­ami­nes.

Graphic that shows different nitrosamines identified with a GC-LC-MS Coupling by SICRIT®

Know­ledge Base

GC-SICRIT®-MS: Fast and sen­si­ti­ve ana­ly­sis of 6 ni­tros­ami­nes
A fast de­ter­mi­na­ti­on of 6 ni­tros­ami­ne com­pounds by GC-SICRIT®-(LC)MS is de­mons­tra­ted. Hy­dro­gen was used as a car­ri­er gas to in­crease speed by about 50%, wi­t­hout lo­sing re­so­lu­ti­on and sen­si­ti­vi­ty in MS de­tec­tion.

Ul­tra-Sen­si­ti­ve GC-SICRIT®-HRMS Ana­ly­sis of Ni­tros­ami­nes
In this stu­dy we de­mons­tra­te ul­tra-sen­si­ti­ve de­ter­mi­na­ti­on of va­rious ni­tros­ami­ne com­pounds by GC-SICRIT®-MS using H2 as car­ri­er gas and full scan high re­so­lu­ti­on MS data from Shi­madzu LCMS-9030.

Dis­co­ver our Pro­ducts

Find the per­fect so­lu­ti­on for your use case, with Plasmion’s ad­van­ced tech­no­lo­gy and ex­per­ti­se in che­mi­cal ana­ly­sis for re­se­arch or in­dus­try.