in a box

Logo with an abstract "H" on the left seperated by a linke from the wordmark "HaVoc® Sensory System" on the right

From Evo­lu­ti­on

Mass spec­tro­me­try (MS) is one of the most powerful tech­no­lo­gies in che­mi­cal ana­ly­sis. The Plas­mi­on SICRIT® Ion Source now en­ables MS-ba­sed real-time scree­ning with hig­her sen­si­ti­vi­ty, a broa­der ana­ly­te spec­trum, and with litt­le to no sam­ple pre­pa­ra­ti­on.

To Re­vo­lu­ti­on

Le­ver­aging this ca­pa­bi­li­ty and com­bi­ning it with au­to­ma­ted data in­ter­pre­ta­ti­on, the HaVoc®-System re­pres­ents an af­forda­ble, au­to­ma­ted „lab in a box“ so­lu­ti­on for VOC (vola­ti­le orga­nic com­pounds) sens­ing. It ser­ves the In­dus­try 4.0 de­mand for high­ly sen­si­ti­ve and easy-to-use real-time sen­sors.


Powerful & sen­si­ti­ve in-line la­bo­ra­to­ry

Ba­sed on mass spec­tro­me­try, the sys­tem can achie­ve trace ana­ly­sis de­tec­tion li­mits (ppm-ppq).

Real-time me­a­su­re­ments & 24/7 ope­ra­ti­on

Di­rect sam­pling gas pha­se ana­ly­sis en­ables real-time me­a­su­re­ments and fea­tures low main­ten­an­ce.

Simp­le use wi­t­hout trai­ned per­son­nel

Easy ope­ra­ti­on ba­sed on cus­to­mizable soft­ware so­lu­ti­on avo­ids de­tail­ed know­ledge or ex­per­ti­se.

Data-dri­ven & au­to­ma­ted

Sta­tis­tics, al­go­rith­ms, and pat­tern re­co­gni­ti­on enable eva­lua­ti­on of VOC-fin­ger­print data and au­to­ma­ted de­cis­i­on ma­king.

Re­lia­ble & ob­jec­ti­ve ana­ly­ses

Data dri­ven de­cis­i­ons are ob­jec­ti­ve, re­lia­ble, and com­pa­ra­ble across mul­ti­ple ap­pli­ca­ti­on ca­ses.

Simp­le, fle­xi­ble and cost ef­fec­ti­ve

Easy to use soft­ware and hard­ware, ad­ap­ta­ble to your spe­cial use case en­su­res fle­xi­bi­li­ty and cost ef­fi­ci­en­cy.



Coll­ec­ting VOC-fin­ger­print data from dif­fe­rent pro­ducts of in­te­rest.


Le­ver­aging sta­tis­tics and ma­chi­ne lear­ning al­go­rith­ms to build data clus­ters and train de­cis­i­on mo­dels.


Cus­to­mizable soft­ware that en­ables ope­ra­ti­on and vi­sua­liza­ti­on ba­sed on pre-clas­si­fied data and de­cis­i­on mo­dels.

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Dis­co­ver our Pro­ducts

Find the per­fect so­lu­ti­on for your use case, with Plasmion’s ad­van­ced tech­no­lo­gy and ex­per­ti­se in che­mi­cal ana­ly­sis for re­se­arch or in­dus­try.