Gewinnspiel Groß

Win 1 of 3 SICRIT® ion sources for a 12 month tri­al pe­ri­od!

The only thing you have to do is to con­vin­ce us of the re­le­van­ce of your pro­ject and why the SICRIT® source is the per­fect fit, and to fill out the bo­xes be­low.

The Plas­mi­on jury will then de­ci­de which th­ree pro­jects are the best fit­ting and the­r­e­fo­re win the sources!

Dead­line: April 12, 2024
Last day of ana­ly­ti­ca con­fe­rence
We’­re sor­ry, the dead­line has al­re­a­dy ex­pi­red!

Win­ners will be an­noun­ced on April 30th 2024
on Lin­ke­dIn and the Plas­mi­on web­site.

Tick the box to con­firm that you read and agreed to the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons.

You have got some ques­ti­ons con­cer­ning the gi­vea­way that could­n’t be ans­we­red? You en­te­red the gi­vea­way but want to wi­th­draw? Don’t hes­t­i­ta­te to cont­act us.