Plas­mi­on at ASMS

Plas­mi­on is gra­teful for the op­por­tu­ni­ty to have par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the ASMS con­fe­rence 2024 from June 2–6 in Ana­heim, Ca­li­for­nia!

It was a bril­li­ant event to dis­cuss mass spec­tro­me­try, and ex­ch­an­ge in­no­va­tions and new ide­as. We proud­ly pre­sen­ted our SICRIT® ion source at our booth (spot 235) and at the Agi­lent Hos­pi­ta­li­ty Suite, whe­re we also show­ca­sed the new ver­si­on of our Ha­Voc Sen­so­ry Sys­tem. Thank you to ever­yo­ne who vi­si­ted us and en­ga­ged in sci­en­ti­fic dis­cus­sions!

We are proud to have had pos­ter pre­sen­ta­ti­ons about the la­test pro­jects with SICRIT®, which many of you at­ten­ded. Be­low, you can find sum­ma­ries of the­se pre­sen­ta­ti­ons.

We look for­ward to see­ing you next year!

Pos­ter Pre­sen­ta­ti­ons & Talks:


SICRIT®-HRMS for Me­ta­bo­lic Pro­fil­ing th­rough Di­rect Breath Ana­ly­sis
MP 004, Jan-Chris­toph Wolf

Por­ta­ble Mass Spec­tro­me­ter with Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­niza­ti­on for the Di­rect Ana­ly­sis of Con­trol­led Sub­s­tance­sand Ex­plo­si­ves
MP 011, Tay­lor Hay­ward


Eva­lua­ti­on of Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­niza­ti­on (DBDI) for the Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of Xe­no­bio­tic En­vi­ron­men­tal Me­ta­boli­tes and De­gra­da­ti­on Pro­ducts
MP 194, Jef­frey Gil­bert

Over­co­ming Sam­pling Chal­lenges in Ana­ly­zing Re­tai­ned Tea Fla­vor Using Soft Io­niza­ti­on by Che­mi­cal Re­ac­tion in Trans­fer (SICRIT®)
TP 119, Xin­wei Feng

GC-SICRIT®-MS for Ra­pid Che­mi­cal Ana­ly­sis of Elec­tro­nic Ci­ga­ret­te Li­quid
TP 020, Xia­o­qing Wang


Il­li­cit Drug De­sorp­ti­on and Che­mi­cal Pro­fil­ing of Fin­ger­prints using SICRIT® Ion Source: A Ra­pid Ana­ly­sis Ap­proach
ThP 280, Cia­ra Con­way

Flow mo­du­la­ted GCxGC in com­bi­na­ti­on with at­mo­sphe­ric pres­su­re mass spec­tro­sco­py using the SICRIT® io­niza­ti­on source

Al­li­son Ferran­ti

Com­pa­ri­son of Exha­led Breath Con­den­sa­te Mar­kers Using Two Io­niza­ti­on Me­thods: Elec­tro­spray Io­niza­ti­on and Dielec­tric Bar­ri­er Di­schar­ge Io­niza­ti­on
MP 797, Ta­tia­na Ro­dri­guez

Eva­lua­ti­on of soft io­niza­ti­on by che­mi­cal re­ac­tion in trans­fer for the de­tec­tion of small mole­cu­le or­ga­nic com­pounds
MP 008, Cheng­li Zu