An in­ter­view with

Tay­lor Hay­ward | US Sa­les Re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ve

„The pre­re­qui­si­te for know­ledge is cu­rio­si­ty.“
– Jac­ques-Yves Cous­teau

1) What is your role at Plas­mi­on?

I’ve been with the com­pa­ny as US Sa­les Re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ve for about 6 months now. My role is to spread our SICRIT® ion source to North Ame­ri­ca!

2) What skills are par­ti­cu­lar­ly va­luable for your work at Plas­mi­on?

I con­sider cu­rio­si­ty as one of my vi­tal qua­li­ties for my work. I love tal­king to sci­en­tists and hea­ring about their re­se­arch pro­jects. and Sse­e­ing how SICRIT can ele­va­te and ad­van­ce the sci­ence in so many way­sa­ny way still fa­sci­na­tes and also mo­ti­va­tes me to spread this in­no­va­ti­on..

3) What is spe­cial about Plas­mi­on as a com­pa­ny?

The tech­no­lo­gy is ama­zing and the sci­en­tists be­hind all the de­ve­lo­p­ment and ap­pli­ca­ti­ons are some of the most crea­ti­ve and in­no­va­ti­ve I’ve ever been around. Working in such an en­vi­ron­ment is ex­ci­ting and in­spi­ring every day.