FoodSafety Groß

Bet­ter safe than sor­ry

Ca­mem­bert, Ro­que­fort cheese, and sa­la­mi: Mold Fun­gi are com­mon­ly known as ways to re­fi­ne cer­tain foods. But not al­ways – in fact in most ca­ses – mold is de­fi­ni­te­ly dan­ge­rous to the hu­man body. Al­most any kind of food can get af­fec­ted: Mold spo­res are trans­por­ted by air cir­cu­la­ti­on and lay down on sui­ta­ble sur­faces whe­re they sp­rout into the food. Dif­fe­rent from the main con­cep­ti­on, tho­se fine th­reads (hy­phae) are not only roots but the fun­gus its­elf. Ha­ving this in mind, it be­co­mes clear that con­ta­mi­na­ted food can­not be cor­rect­ly spot­ted by the bare eye.

Food Safe­ty in the In­dus­try

This does not only ap­p­ly to the pri­va­te fri­dge but also to food pro­duc­tion. In the in­dus­try, food safe­ty is more im­portant than ever. Rea­li­sti­cal­ly, it’s not al­ways pos­si­ble to check every sin­gle pro­duct ma­nu­al­ly on the num­e­rous pal­lets go­ing th­rough the pro­cess, alt­hough hu­man sen­so­ry pa­nels are the most com­mon me­thod of de­tec­tion right now. Sin­ce the re­pu­ta­ti­on of the pro­du­cer and the he­alth of the con­su­mer are so high­ly af­fec­ted, a more se­cu­re and ob­jec­ti­ve way to en­su­re food safe­ty has to be found.
As com­mon­ly known, du­ring its rot­ting pro­cess, food emits spe­ci­fic odors which of cour­se can be sen­sed by the hu­man nose to a cer­tain point. But tho­se re­leased com­pounds can be used even more ef­fec­tively …

A smart so­lu­ti­on

Ba­sed on its in­no­va­ti­ve io­niza­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy SICRIT®, Plas­mi­on de­ve­lo­ped a powerful and sen­si­ti­ve sen­so­ry so­lu­ti­on to ful­fill this need for safe­ty.

The vo­la­ti­le or­ga­nic com­pon­ents of the pro­ducts or, sim­ply put, the odor can be ana­ly­zed di­rect­ly in the pro­cess for ex­cee­ding cer­tain trace li­mits by the Ha­Voc® Sen­so­ry Sys­tem. This en­ables che­cking every sin­gle pro­duct in­di­vi­du­al­ly and wi­thin se­conds be­fo­re goods are dis­patched or re­cei­ved to en­su­re ef­fi­ci­ent in­line-qua­li­ty mo­ni­to­ring. The ef­fort of la­bo­ra­to­ry tests is eli­mi­na­ted and pre­cise eva­lua­tions ap­pear in real-time. In ad­di­ti­on, the qua­li­ty con­trols are au­to­ma­ted and thus re­pre­sent an ob­jec­ti­ve and re­pro­du­ci­b­le data ba­sis.

That way food ana­ly­sis, which de­pends on mo­dern tech­no­lo­gi­cal so­lu­ti­ons, is re­vo­lu­tio­ni­zed.

Demo: Ana­ly­sis of le­mon peel by the Ha­Voc® Sen­so­ry Sys­tem

To de­mons­tra­te this so­lu­ti­on for food safe­ty, le­mon peel was ana­ly­zed du­ring its rot­ting pro­cess. For that pur­po­se, pee­led fresh le­mon samples were stored in a clo­sed pla­s­tic wrap­ping and the emit­ted vo­la­ti­les were ana­ly­zed dai­ly using an un­bo­xed Ha­Voc® set­up. The sam­pling was per­for­med by a sam­pling tube (see pic­tu­re be­low).

The re­sults show that rot­ting leads to ch­an­ges in the vo­la­ti­le pro­fi­le emit­ted by the le­mon peel. The Ha­Voc® Sen­so­ry Sys­tem is able to de­tect si­gni­fi­cant ch­an­ges in the vo­la­ti­le pro­fi­le af­ter th­ree days. 

In prac­ti­ce, this shows, how re­lia­ble and com­pa­ra­ble re­sults in food qua­li­ty as­sess­ments can be en­su­red, such as mo­ni­to­ring fruits as shown in this ex­am­p­le, thanks to ob­jec­ti­ve and de­tail­ed data. Rot­ten bat­ches can be spot­ted du­ring food pro­duc­tion which can en­su­re qua­li­ty and pro­tect con­su­mers.

In­trigued by this sen­si­ti­ve and sim­pli­fy­ing so­lu­ti­on for the food in­dus­try? Learn more about the Ha­Voc® Sen­so­ry Sys­tem, its tech­no­lo­gy, and use ca­ses on our web­site or cont­act us for fur­ther in­for­ma­ti­on.