Direct MS
Plasmion’s SICRIT® Ion Source enables to perform sensitive direct MS analysis on any LC-MS instrument without sample preparation. Direct and automated introduction of headspace or liquid samples into the ion source via our heatable desorption module for quantitative analysis within seconds.
Fast, easy, no sample preparation
By inserting a SPME Fiber or SPME Arrow into the GC-SPME module the enriched analytes are thermally desorbed simultaneously. In this case the extracted mass traces of three pesticides from a spiked soil sample are shown. The desorption peak shape will depend on the volatility and chemical adhesion to the SPME material. Each peak can be integrated using your standard (LC-)MS software for fully quantitaive results without using any chromatography. Due to slightly different desorption profiles also Data-Deconvolution for e.g. Data independent workflows is possible.
Due to its soft and broad ionization, SICRIT® enables the parallel monitoring of an theoretically unlimited amount of substances using e.g. full scan high resolution MS. The spectra of pesticides analyzed in soil (left) show hardly any fragmentation and are therefore easy to interpret, directly showing the molecular information. This is tremendously beneficial for fast non-target screenings.
At the same time these features also simplify targeted analyses using MRMs since all intensity is confined on the parent MH+ species instead being spread over multiple in source fragments like e.g. in EI.
Even for complex matrices e.g. wastewater, this direct SPME quantitation may propose a viable alternative to conventional chromatography aproaches, especially when using internal standardization. A fully automative pre-quantification, as shown for the pesticide Pyyrimethanil on the right, separating all negative from potentially positive samples therefore may help to save up to 90% instrument runtime and chromatography consumables.
Also the fast analysis times enable the use of standard addition aproaches saving costs for expensive isotopic labeled standards.
Reproducible & quantitative without chromatography
As example we demonstrated the reproducibility of 50 direct liquid injections of an alkylamine standard monitoring 5 MRMs in parallel. This proves, that direct SICRIT® MS enables the same precissions (RSD <5%) as you are usually expecting from classical chromatography MS couplings. This actually shows 50 fully quantitative analyses performed in 30 minutes.
A real world example of direct liquid MS analysis is the measurement of Orthomethylethers (OME) as biofuel.
Here a comprehensive insight on the composition, size distribution and additives can be gained in less than 10 seconds of measurement time.
Struggling with ionization? The unique ionization capabilities of SICRIT® enable the measurement of „problem“ molecules as shown on the right hand side. All of these molecules could not be ionized efficiently via ESI or APCI, but direct SICRIT® MS delivered perfect ionization as molecular Ion.
Measure & quantify samples and processes in real-time.
Knowledge is power! Especially in depth understanding of processes. As shown in this example SICRIT® enables the parallel real time in-line measurement of a coffee roasting process. In this extremely complex roasting mixture over 500+ components could be individually monitored with a time resolution of less than 1 second.
So you get to know the status of your process, reactor or snythesis on a molecular level anytime.
VOC analysis is challenging for classical instrumentation. With SICRIT® you can directly monitor e.g. off flavors (shown left) or other contaminations of your products without the need for gas chromatography. It is also fully compatible with classical lab automation and various other off-line sampling techniques (e.g. TD, Teddlar bags, etc.). Developed for the gas phase detection of chemical warfare agents, SICRIT® converts any LC-MS into a super sensitive VOC analyser.
Positive? Negative? SICRIT® delivers both, simultaneously. When analyzing e.g. perfluorinated components in headspace, no change in settings has to made on the SICRIT® source when switching the MS from positive to negative mode. This enables fast polarity switching applications and opens the field for direct analysis, screening and quantitation of these highly regulatated perfluorinated pollutants without chromatography in real time!
Related App Notes
Metabolomic CSI: High Resolution Lipidomic Profiling of Fingerprints using TD-SICRIT®-MS and Bioinformatics Pipeline
We demonstrate the capabilities of the TD-SICRIT®-MS and how they can be utilized in the world of metabolomics and lipidomics, with the full potential of such a study being realized through the combination of chemistry and computation.
Chemical Warfare Agents – Direct SICRIT®-MS Analysis
Although chemical warfare agents (CWA) and their use are outlawed, they still are an imminent threat to people all over the world.
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