An in­ter­view with

Lau­ra Schwim­mer | CTA

“Fail­ure and in­ven­ti­on are in­se­pa­ra­ble twins. To in­vent you have to ex­pe­ri­ment, and if you know in ad­van­ce that it’s go­ing to work, it’s not an ex­pe­ri­ment.”

– Scott Gal­lo­way

1) What is your role at Plas­mi­on?

I work as a la­bo­ra­to­ry tech­ni­ci­an in the lab sin­ce May 2022. With my work, I am im­pro­ving the use of SICRIT in com­bi­na­ti­on with dif­fe­rent mass spec­tro­me­ters which we have in our lab. Apart from this I also me­a­su­re the test samples we get from cus­to­mers. We do that to give them a straight com­pa­ri­son of the re­sults from our source to others. I can tell you this: it is so­me­ti­mes re­al­ly stun­ning what we are able to de­tect!

2) What know­ledge do you bring from your pre­vious work that will help you here?

From my for­mer work in an ana­ly­ti­cal rou­ti­ne lab, I have quite some ex­pe­ri­ence in high-th­rough­put lab work and mass spec­tro­me­try, which helps a lot in struc­tu­ring the lab work­flow at Plas­mi­on. It also co­mes in han­dy for try­ing out new stuff and es­tab­li­shing new rou­ti­nes in the lab.

3) What do you app­re­cia­te most about working at Plas­mi­on?

When I first he­ard of SICRIT, I was main­ly fa­sci­na­ted by its tech­no­lo­gy and how it works. It still thrills me to work with such an ama­zing source. Bes­i­des the tech­no­lo­gy, I also app­re­cia­te working with the in­spi­ring and am­bi­tious Plas­mi­on-team. The at­mo­sphe­re is very open-min­ded as every opi­ni­on counts and is app­re­cia­ted. What also spi­ces up my dai­ly lab rou­ti­ne is try­ing out new stuff and hel­ping to im­pro­ve the in­no­va­tions bes­i­des SICIRIT that still are to come!