An in­ter­view with

Pe­tra Rome­ro | Mar­ke­ting Ma­na­ger

“Tre­at em­ployees like they make a dif­fe­rence and they will.“

– Jim Good­night

1) What is your role at Plas­mi­on?
I am the Mar­ke­ting Ma­na­ger and tog­e­ther with my col­le­ague Ali­na Jessl I am de­ve­lo­ping the mar­ke­ting stra­tegy for Plas­mi­on for the next ye­ars. Sin­ce we both just star­ted in spring, we have a green field ahead of us and ple­nty of play­ground to fill with our crea­ti­ve ide­as.

2) What skills are par­ti­cu­lar­ly va­luable for your work at Plas­mi­on?
As a for­mer agen­cy em­ployee, I have lear­ned to fa­mi­lia­ri­ze mys­elf with va­rious cus­to­mer sub­ject are­as. Alt­hough I’m not a che­mist, I ma­na­ge to keep an eye on the big pic­tu­re at Plas­mi­on, re­co­gni­ze the mar­ke­ting-re­le­vant things and work them up ac­cor­din­gly.

3) Why did you choo­se Plas­mi­on as an em­ploy­er?
From the very first con­ver­sa­ti­on, I was fa­sci­na­ted by the mix­tu­re of start-up spi­rit, the in­cre­di­ble po­ten­ti­al of the tech­no­lo­gy and the suc­ces­ses that this young com­pa­ny has al­re­a­dy achie­ved. The op­por­tu­ni­ty to ac­tively shape the fu­ture of the com­pa­ny with my work made the de­cis­i­on to join Plas­mi­on very easy for me.