An in­ter­view with

Phil­ipp Schlump­ber­ger | Pro­duct & Ap­pli­ca­ti­on Ma­na­ger

“Every once in a while you hear an ex­pert that says team che­mis­try is over­ra­ted. You just wri­te that per­son off.“

– Tony La Rus­sa

1) What is your role at Plas­mi­on?

I am the pro­ject and ap­pli­ca­ti­on ma­na­ger for Plasmion’s sen­sor sys­tem Ha­Voc and star­ted working at the com­pa­ny in July 2022. My tasks in­clude the de­ve­lo­p­ment of ap­pli­ca­ti­ons as well as the sup­port of our cus­to­mers du­ring the im­ple­men­ta­ti­on and ap­pli­ca­ti­on of our sen­sor sys­tem in dif­fe­rent pro­jects.

2) What know­ledge do you bring from your pre­vious work that will help you here?

As a food che­mist, I have been in­ten­si­ve­ly in­vol­ved in the ana­ly­sis of vo­la­ti­le and odor-ac­ti­ve com­pounds in foods and be­ver­a­ges over the last few ye­ars. In ad­di­ti­on, my ex­pe­ri­ence with mass spec­tro­me­try is a gre­at help for my work at Plas­mi­on.

3) What do you app­re­cia­te most about working at Plas­mi­on?

What I espe­ci­al­ly app­re­cia­te about working at Plas­mi­on is the team and the col­le­gi­al in­ter­ac­tion as well as the ex­ch­an­ge wi­thin the com­pa­ny and the in­sights I gain into other work are­as. And of cour­se, last but not least, my gre­at and ver­sa­ti­le field of ac­ti­vi­ty with the Ha­Voc sen­sor sys­tem.