Re­vie­w­ing 2024: In­ter­view with Jan and Tho­mas Wolf

We as­ked our two lea­ders to wrap up Plas­mi­on’s year 2024. Read the in­ter­view be­low for their per­so­nal high­lights, chal­lenges, and the les­sons they’­ve lear­ned along the way. Le­t’s un­co­ver their uni­que per­spec­ti­ves on growth and lea­der­ship.

Jan: What was the big­gest chall­enge Plas­mi­on over­ca­me this year?

Po­li­shing and res­truc­tu­ring our R&D pro­ces­ses has been a chall­enge, but one that was ne­ces­sa­ry to be­co­me more ef­fi­ci­ent and mar­ket-ori­en­ted.

Tho­mas: Which mo­ment this year made you feel that Plas­mi­on tru­ly made an im­pact?

It is al­ways when I hear about the achie­ve­ments peo­p­le are able to ob­tain ba­sed on our tech­no­lo­gy. This year it pro­ba­b­ly was hea­ring that sub-mi­cron spot re­so­lu­ti­on was achie­ved for the first time in mass spec ima­ging le­ver­aging our tech­no­lo­gy.

Jan: Which goal or mi­le­stone this year held a deeper mea­ning for you, and why?

Some in­ter­nal R&D pro­jects show­ca­sing the true po­ten­ti­al of our tech­no­lo­gy, ma­king me ex­ci­ted on the next de­ve­lo­p­ments to come.

Tho­mas: How has your per­so­nal ap­proach to lea­der­ship evol­ved over the cour­se of the year?

Lea­ding by ex­am­p­le has al­ways been and still is quite im­portant for me. Ho­we­ver, when or­ga­niza­ti­ons grow big­ger, lea­der­ship is more about en­ab­ling peo­p­le to be­co­me in­de­pen­dent and take on re­spon­si­bi­li­ty on their own.

Jan: When you think back to the be­gin­ning of this year, what ad­vice would you give to yours­elf?

Life is like ri­ding a bicy­cle: to keep your ba­lan­ce, you must keep mo­ving!

Tho­mas: Which of Plasmion’s va­lues (Mo­ti­va­ti­on, Im­pact, Re­lia­bi­li­ty, Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, Team­work) were par­ti­cu­lar­ly tes­ted this year?

This year we es­tab­lished new pro­ces­ses and struc­tures that made ro­les and re­spon­si­bi­li­ties of each in­di­vi­du­al more trans­pa­rent. In do­ing so, team­work was the va­lue that was tes­ted the most, as in such si­tua­tions it is cru­cial to keep team­work ali­ve and not start fin­ger poin­ting towards others.

Jan: De­scri­be this year in th­ree words.

Grin­ding, Chal­len­ging, In­spi­ring

Tho­mas: De­scri­be this year in th­ree words.

En­ab­ling, Ex­haus­ting, Pro­mi­sing

Thank you both for your in­sights into this me­mo­rable year.

We are loo­king for­ward to many more ama­zing, re­war­ding, chal­len­ging and in­spi­ring ye­ars with you guys!