2019 - Off to new shores

Off to new shores

Af­ter hit­ting the Ger­man mar­ket in 2018 with their SICRIT® ion source and re­spec­ti­ve add-on pro­ducts, Plas­mi­on part­ne­red with se­ve­ral sa­les and ser­vice part­ners to con­quer new count­ries in Eu­ro­pe and Asia.

Plas­mi­on has also been na­med as one of the Red Her­ring Top 100 Eu­ro­pe, one of Hel­lo To­mor­ro­w’s Deep Tech Pio­neers, and was award­ed with the Fu­ture En­gi­nee­ring Award at Uni­ver­si­ty In­no­va­ti­on Chall­enge by Han­dels­blatt and Goe­the Uni­ver­si­ty.

World map with eight highlighted countries and the logos of three prizes (Handelsblatt, Red Herring, Global Summit) showing the Plasmion development story
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