An in­ter­view with

Va­len­tin Kloos | Working Stu­dent Busi­ness De­ve­lo­p­ment

“Every job is im­portant, even the smal­lest one. No one should ima­gi­ne that their work is su­pe­ri­or to that of their col­le­ague. Ever­yo­ne should con­tri­bu­te to the be­ne­fit of the who­le.“

– Ro­bert Bosch

1) What is your role at Plas­mi­on?

I have been working as a working stu­dent in the field of Busi­ness De­ve­lo­p­ment sin­ce Sep­tem­ber 2022 and main­ly fo­cus on the Iso-cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on pro­ject. The as­so­cia­ted pro­cess mo­de­ling and op­ti­miza­ti­on af­fect the en­ti­re com­pa­ny. As a re­sult, I quick­ly gai­ned in­sight into all de­part­ments and have al­re­a­dy work­ed with ever­yo­ne to some ext­ent. Ad­di­tio­nal­ly, I na­tu­ral­ly sup­port in all other are­as whe­re the­re is a need. Even hands-on, if ne­ces­sa­ry.

2) What ex­pe­ri­en­ces and know­ledge from your pre­vious work do you bring that will help you here?

I have al­re­a­dy gai­ned ex­pe­ri­ence in pro­cess op­ti­miza­ti­on and mo­de­ling in my pre­vious po­si­ti­on. But apart from that, suc­cessful com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is par­ti­cu­lar­ly im­portant in my work. To un­der­stand, re­pre­sent, and stream­li­ne busi­ness pro­ces­ses, I have to work clo­se­ly with all col­le­agues. It helps when ever­yo­ne is well coor­di­na­ted and even ta­kes a break tog­e­ther to fos­ter crea­ti­vi­ty.

3) What makes Plas­mi­on spe­cial as a com­pa­ny?

The uni­que com­bi­na­ti­on of in­no­va­ti­on, start­up at­mo­sphe­re, and high pro­fes­sio­na­lism makes Plas­mi­on so­me­thing spe­cial. All col­le­agues are ex­tre­me­ly com­mit­ted, mo­ti­va­ted, and ful­ly be­hind the com­pa­ny and its pro­ducts. This is in­cre­di­bly in­spi­ring and crea­tes a uni­que work en­vi­ron­ment. My task gi­ves me the op­por­tu­ni­ty to con­tri­bu­te and fur­ther de­ve­lop my skills.