Tech­no­lo­gy Talk: Foun­der Jan-Chris­­toph Wolf on the SICRIT® Breath Ap­pli­ca­ti­on

Breath ana­ly­sis is re­vo­lu­tio­ni­zing me­di­cal dia­gno­stics, pro­vi­ding a non-in­va­si­ve, real-time he­alth mo­ni­to­ring me­thod. Ca­pa­ble of de­tec­ting thou­sands of bio­mar­kers in se­conds, SICRIT® could trans­form our un­der­stan­ding of me­ta­bo­lic pro­ces­ses. The foun­der, Jan-Chris­toph Wolf, has been in­ter­view­ed to gain deeper in­sights into this ground­brea­king tech­no­lo­gy.

Plea­se ela­bo­ra­te the SICRIT® ap­pli­ca­ti­on for breath ana­ly­sis and how it fa­ci­li­ta­tes the dis­co­very and ana­ly­sis of bio­mar­kers in breath.

The SICRIT® Breath Ana­ly­sis Mo­du­le en­ables di­rect, real-time exha­led breath me­a­su­re­ments. A dis­posable mouth­pie­ce con­nects to a hea­ted sam­pling line and ion source ad­ap­ter, al­lo­wing non-in­va­si­ve me­ta­bo­lic mo­ni­to­ring of vo­la­ti­le com­pounds in breath. This real-time ana­ly­sis helps iden­ti­fy po­ten­ti­al bio­mar­kers, as de­mons­tra­ted in stu­dies show­ing me­ta­bo­lic pro­fi­le dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween in­di­vi­du­als and ch­an­ges wi­thin the same in­di­vi­du­al over time.

Can the SICRIT® Breath Ana­ly­sis Mo­du­le be in­te­gra­ted into all mass spec­tro­me­ters? How does this fle­xi­bi­li­ty im­pact its uti­li­ty in dif­fe­rent cli­ni­cal set­tings?

In a cli­ni­cal set­ting, the SICRIT® source can be used in com­bi­na­ti­on with a high-re­so­lu­ti­on MS for bio­mar­ker dis­co­very. Once the bio­mar­kers are iden­ti­fied, the same source can be used on-site at a doctor’s of­fice or a point-of-care fa­ci­li­ty with a much smal­ler and che­a­per sin­gle or tri­ple qua­dru­po­le MS to mo­ni­tor the re­spec­ti­ve bio­mar­kers in a patient’s breath.

The tech­no­lo­gy al­lows for the crea­ti­on of uni­que me­ta­bo­lo­mic pro­files. What in­sights can the­se pro­files pro­vi­de to he­alth­ca­re pro­fes­sio­nals, and how do they enhan­ce pa­ti­ent care?

The SICRIT® tech­no­lo­gy pro­vi­des de­tail­ed me­ta­bo­lo­mic pro­files, of­fe­ring in­sights into a wide ran­ge of mole­cu­les, such as ami­no acids, oxi­da­tive stress mar­kers, and in­flamm­a­ti­on in­di­ca­tors. The­se pro­files help he­alth­ca­re pro­fes­sio­nals un­der­stand mul­ti­ple me­ta­bo­lic pa­thways in real time, which is not pos­si­ble with tra­di­tio­nal blood tests. SICRIT®’s abili­ty to ana­ly­ze thou­sands of bio­mar­kers in just 10 se­conds en­ables real-time mo­ni­to­ring of dy­na­mic pro­ces­ses like drug me­ta­bo­lism, do­sa­ge ac­cu­ra­cy, and an­es­the­sia le­vels, of­fe­ring a more com­pre­hen­si­ve and per­so­na­li­zed ap­proach to pa­ti­ent care.

Thank you, Jan, for your in­sights into this tech­no­lo­gy.

As the he­alth­ca­re land­scape con­ti­nues to evol­ve, tech­no­lo­gies like SICRIT® are pa­ving the way for more pre­cise, real-time dia­gno­stics. In­no­va­tions like the­se bring us clo­ser to more ac­cu­ra­te, safe and pa­ti­ent-fri­end­ly he­alth­ca­re so­lu­ti­ons.

Find out more about the set-up of this breath ana­ly­sis ap­pli­ca­ti­on or our la­test App Note SICRIT®-HRMS for Tar­ge­ted Ex­­po­­so­­mic-Me­­ta­­bo­­lo­­mic Re­se­arch th­rough Di­rect Re­spi­ra­to­ry Ana­ly­sis on our web­site.