2020 - 2021 - De­fy­ing the cri­sis

De­fy­ing the cri­sis

Du­ring the glo­bal pan­de­mic, Plas­mi­on con­tin­ued to ex­tend its sa­les and ser­vice net­work with se­ve­ral part­ners all over the world, to in­crease the glo­bal pre­sence and build up re­si­li­ence for the ye­ars to come.

Bes­i­des, Plas­mi­on has been award­ed with the In­ter­na­tio­nal Food-Tech award in sil­ver by the Ger­man Agri­cul­tu­ral So­cie­ty and na­med fi­na­list at the Wi­ley Ana­ly­ti­cal Sci­ence Award.

World map with ten highlighted countries and the logos of two prizes (DLG, Wiley Analytical Science Award) showing the Plasmion development story
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