2022 - On the tracks of Chris­to­pher Co­lum­bus

On the tracks of Chris­to­pher Co­lum­bus

Af­ter be­ing able to suc­cessful­ly es­tab­lish and grow with the busi­ness in Eu­ro­pe and Asia, Plas­mi­on fi­nal­ly hit the United Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca, the home turf of most of the big mass spec­tro­me­try ven­dors.

Bes­i­des, Plas­mi­on came up with its Ha­Voc pro­duct line, a sen­so­ry sys­tem ba­sed on mass spec­tro­me­try for in­dus­tri­al real-time mo­ni­to­ring of VOCs. This in­no­va­ti­on right away has been re­ward­ed with rank #4 at the Ana­ly­ti­cal Sci­en­tist In­no­va­ti­on Award 2022.

World map with thirteen highlighted countries and the logos of one prize (Analytical Scientist Innovation Award) showing the Plasmion development story
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