2018 - Go-to-mar­ket


In 2018, it fi­nal­ly hap­pen­ed: Plasmion’s Go-to-mar­ket ba­cked by VCs and Busi­ness An­gels with sec­tor ex­pe­ri­ence.

Plas­mi­on has been award­ed with dif­fe­rent pri­zes, among­st others the Ache­ma Grün­der­preis, the most re­now­ned pri­ce of the so­cie­ty for che­mi­cal en­gi­nee­ring and bio­tech­no­lo­gy.

World map with a highlighted country (Germany) and the logos of three prizes (Businessplan Wettbewerb Schwaben, Achema Gründerpreis, Münchener Businessplan Wettbewerb) showing the Plasmion development story
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