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Translating the human body is one the most exciting research fields our SICRIT® technology is be used. Find here all App Notes on lipids, breath analysis, etc.

Metabolomic CSI: High Resolution Lipidomic Profiling of Fingerprints using TD-SICRIT®-MS and Bioinformatics Pipeline
We demonstrate the capabilities of the TD-SICRIT®-MS and how they can be utilized in the world of metabolomics and lipidomics, with the full potential of such a study being realized through the combination of chemistry and computation.

Lipidomics Decoded: Targeted Assignment of Polar Lipids using the SICRIT® LC-Module
This study shows that by using the SICRIT® Ionization Technology, you can conduct successful analysis of a wide range of polar lipids. Additionally, you can obtain a usable MS2 spectra that can be used for either targeted or untargeted analysis.

SICRIT®-HRMS for Metabolic Profiling through Direct Breath Analysis
We demonstrate an easy extension of conventional capabilities for the SICRIT® ionization source, coupled to a high-resolution MS instrument, through a metabolomic-based breath analysis and how groups of target masses can be isolated and analyzed for potential biomarker identification.

LC-SICRIT®-HRMS Analysis of Non-Polar Lipids featuring Shimadzu Nexera LC and 9030 LC-MS QToF
In this set of measurements, we demonstrate the detection capabilities of 8 different Triacyl-glycerides of varying length and saturation with LC-SICRIT®-HRMS.

SICRIT®-HRMS for Targeted Exposomic-Metabolomic Research through Direct Respiratory Analysis
We demonstrate an extension of conventional capabilities for the SICRIT® Ion Source, coupled to a high-resolution MS instrument, through a metabolomic-based breath analysis and how efficient it is to conduct targeted studies of dynamic metabolomic profiles, of the lungs, for an individual person, in realtime.

SICRIT® – HRMS for Exhaled Breath Analysis
We show, how easily the SICRIT® Ion Source can be adapted to high-resolution MS instruments for trace analysis of biomarkes and metabolites in exhaled breath.

Ensuring the safety of the food we consume and the environment we live in is a growing priority. SICRIT® technology offers innovative solutions for detecting contaminants, pesticides, flavor profiles, and environmental pollutants with unprecedented speed and precision. Explore our app notes related to food safety, environmental contaminants, and aroma analysis.

Qualitative Cross-Over: Using SICRIT® Technology to Analyze 161 Restek GC Pesticides Combining the Benefits of GC and LC
In this study, we look at 161 unique pesticides to determine the LC-MS-like ionizations we generate and how different conditions affect this soft ionization. Additionally, we determine the efficacy of using GC-MSMS data generated from a DDA method with an In-House Shimadzu LC Pesticide Library.

Quantitative Snapshot: LOD Analysis of 74 LC amendable Pesticides using the GC-SICRIT® coupled to a Shimadzu 9030 QTOF
This study aims to determine the generalized LODs and LOQs for several GC pesticide standards using SICRIT® technology, assessing how well these limits align with regulatory requirements.

Reading the Tea Leaves – Direct Headspace Analysis of Tea Aroma Profiles by SICRIT® MS
Direct sample-preparation-free analysis of tea leaves was performed by SICRIT® coupled to a compact single quad MS (Waters ACQUITY™ QDa™ Detector).

Better than Jean-Baptiste Grenouille – Direct, Real-Time Headspace Analysis of Essential Oils by SICRIT® MS
In this study, a direct, real-time sample-preparation-free-„sniffing“ analysis of essential oils was performed by SICRIT® coupled to a portable single quad MS to classify different types of essential oils and to show the suitablility of this methodology for high throughput analysis of essential oil quality and authentication analysis.

Switching ionization? No Problem! Analysis of 78 pesticides in complex matrices using a standard LC-ESI workflow with SICRIT®
In this study, we utilize a HRMS coupled to the SICRIT® LC-Module to analyze 78 pesticides across multiple classes when exposed to several complex biological matrices to see how well we stand in mimicking the ESI functionality and ionization with an ESI specific method, with ESI dominated analytes of choice.

Performance Evaluation of 41 Common Pesticides by LC-SICRIT® featuring Shimadzu LC-40 and 9030 LC-MS QToF
To bridge this gap between the different pesticide analyte classes, and provide a new perspective on LC ionization, we present SICRIT® LC-Module. In this study, we utilize a HRMS coupled to the SICRIT® LC-Module to analyze 41 common pesticides.

Characterization of cherry-type flavorings based on volatile compounds by means of the HaVoc sensory system
Flavorings are very popular as they provide an extra taste to foods and beverages such as pastries, ice cream, sweets, coffee, or tea.

SICRIT® Technology for Fast and Direct SPME-MS Analysis of Environmental Trace Contaminants
We present a versatile method for direct and quantitative identification of trace contaminants in environmental samples without sample preparation using SICRIT® Ionization Technology.

Fast and Direct Detection of Perfluorocarboxlyic acids (PFCA) with SICRIT®-MS
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS), especially their carboxylic acids (PFCA), are ubiquitously used chemicals as flame retardants, surfactants, and coatings.

Soft ionization GC-HRMS of n‑Alkanes C8 – C20 (SCIEX TripleTOF® 5600)
We introduce a versatile new method for trace analysis of non-polar short-chain n‑alkanes C8-C20 using GC-SICRIT®-HRMS.

Soft ionization GC-HRMS of n‑Alkanes C8 – C20 (Thermo LTQ Orbitrap XL)
We introduce a versatile new method for trace analysis of non-polar short-chain n‑alkanes C 8 ‑C 20 using GC-SICRIT® ‑HRMS.

GC soft ionization coupling to LC-MS with SICRIT® (Thermo LTQ Orbitrap XL)
Due to historic reasons the world of mass spectrometry is still divided into GC-MS and LC-MS systems and users thereof.

Coffee Aroma Profiling – Direct SICRIT® HR-MS Analysis
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages and known for its manifold aroma profiles.

In the fields of forensics and toxicology, fast, accurate detection of hazardous substances can make a life-saving difference. SICRIT® technology provides cutting-edge solutions for the direct analysis of chemical warfare agents, explosives, and toxic substances, enabling rapid and reliable results in critical situations. Discover our app notes focused on forensic investigations and toxicology applications.

Chemical Warfare Agents – Direct SICRIT®-MS Analysis
Although chemical warfare agents (CWA) and their use are outlawed, they still are an imminent threat to people all over the world.

Fast and Direct Detection of Explosives using SICRIT®-MS
The detection of explosives and explosive-related compounds is a high-priority tasks in recent years for homeland security and counter-terrorism applications.

The pharmaceutical industry demands the highest levels of sensitivity and precision in drug development and quality control. SICRIT® technology enhances molecular analysis, enabling faster detection and accurate profiling of critical compounds such as nitrosamines. Delve into our app notes showcasing SICRIT® applications in pharmaceutical research.

Comparison of SICRIT® and APCI in the Analysis of Nitrosamines with Liquid Chromatography
In this study we provide a direct comparison of APCI and the SICRIT® ionization source for the analysis of 7 Nitrosamines by LC-HRMS.

GC-SICRIT®-MS: Fast and sensitive analysis of 6 nitrosamines by replacing helium with hydrogen as carrier gas
A fast determination of 6 nitrosamine compounds by GC-SICRIT®-(LC)MS is demonstrated.

Ultra-Sensitive GC-SICRIT®-HRMS Analysis of Nitrosamines in Pharmaceutical Samples featuring Hydrogen as GC Carrier Gas and Shimadzu LCMS-9030 QToF
In this study we demonstrate ultra-sensitive determination of various nitrosamine compounds by GC-SICRIT®-MS using H2 as carrier gas and full scan high resolution MS data from Shimadzu LCMS-9030.

Ultra-Sensitive GC-SICRIT®-HRMS Analysis of Nitrosamines in Pharmaceutical Samples featuring Hydrogen as GC Carrier Gas and Shimadzu LCMS-9030 QToF
Nitrosamine have emerged as impurities of mature concern in pharmaceutical preparations. Initially detected by the US FDA in drugs used in the treatment of hypertension and heart failure containing Sartan as active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Sensitive Detection of Nitrosamines for Drug Quality Control using SICRIT® Soft Ionization-MS
In this study we demonstrate sensitive determination of nitrosamine compounds by GC-soft ionization-MS outperforming GC-MS and LC-MS methods in view of drug quality control.

Molecular imaging plays a pivotal role in advancing scientific research. SICRIT® offers innovative imaging techniques that combine laser ablation with mass spectrometry, providing high-resolution insights into molecular structures. Explore our app notes on molecular imaging.

Molecular imaging using laser ablation-postionization mass spectrometry
Here, a complete solution is presented for converting any mass spectrometer (MS) with an atmospheric pressure inlet (LC-MS) into a laser ablation (LA)-MS for imaging using the SICRIT® Ion Source.


#Ion Source #SC-30
SICRIT® Ionization Set SC-30
The SICRIT® (Soft Ionization by Chemical Reaction In Transfer) SC-30 Ionization Set is a plug & play flowthrough ionization add-on for mass spectrometers with an atmospheric pressure inlet. It can be interfaced with almost all LC-MS systems on the market.

The SICRIT® GC/SPME Module connects state-of-the-art sample enrichment and separation techniques with your SICRIT® Ion Source.

SICRIT® Heated Sampling Line
The SICRIT® Heated Sampling Line is designed to improve the collection and transport of analytes to the MS and allows for countless new ways to bring samples to the MS instrument.

The SICRIT® LC/SFC Module enables the connection from conventional liquid or supercritical fluid chromatography to mass spectrometers using the SICRIT® Ion Source.


Webinar: Exploring Metabolomics with SICRIT®
Dr. Jan Bucek

07.03.2024 SICRIT® UNIVERSE Event 2024
Rapid untargeted puff-by-puff analysis of (electronic) cigarette aerosols by SICRIT®-MS
Yong-Qi (Alex) Gao

Webinar: Analyzing Pesticides with SICRIT®
Dr. Jan Bucek

07.03.2024 SICRIT® UNIVERSE Event 2024
Our experiences developing SICRIT® methods for direct analysis
Prof. Dr. Nicole Strittmatter (TU Munich)

07.03.2024 SICRIT® UNIVERSE Event 2024
Development of a very fast method for authentication analysis of food exploiting molecular fingerprints using a direct injection approach via SICRIT®-q-TOF-MS and subsequent multivariate data analysis
Dr. Andreas Schmidberger (Labor Friedle)

07.03.2024 SICRIT® UNIVERSE Event 2024
SICRIT® for Enhanced Quality Control of Phytopharmaceuticals and Essential Oils: Method Development and Applications
Dr. Christian Steuer (ETH Zürich)

07.03.2024 SICRIT® UNIVERSE Event 2024
Interfacing LC-ESI and GC-DBDI to the same instrument a versatile setup for a MS Core Facility
Dr. Natalia Gasilova (EPFL Lausanne)

Rapid analysis of illicit drugs and chemical profiling of fingerprints
Dr. Jan Bucek (Plasmion)

SICRIT®-MS for in-situ analysis of VOCs in various samples -
Prof. Zhou Jiang (Peking University)

HELIOS/SICRIT®/mass spectrometry for analysis of aerosols in engine exhaust -
Prof. Christoph Haisch ( TU Munich)

Beyond standard analytical workflows – Coupling of GC and Shimadzu LCMS instruments with Plasmion SICRIT® Ion Source -
Dr. Sascha Rexroth (Shimadzu)

Experiences with the Plasmion SICRIT® Flow-through Dielectric Barrier Discharge Ion Source -
Robert (Chip) Cody, Ph.D. (JEOL)

Real-time monitoring of cereal roasting processes by ultra-highresolution mass spectrometry with plasmion ionization -
Leopold Weidner (HHZ Munich)

GC Coupling to LC-MS Instruments ‑Expand your Mass Spectrometric “View” with SICRIT® -
Dr. Jan-Christoph Wolf (Plasmion)

Direct MS Screening – Get Results Faster with SICRIT® -
Dr. Jan-Christoph Wolf (Plasmion)