Photograph of the Plasmion Team


„We make the most powerful che­mi­cal ana­ly­sis tech­ni­ques more ef­fi­cent and ac­ces­si­ble for ever­y­bo­dy.“

About Plas­mi­on

Plasmion’s vi­si­on as an agi­le sca­le-up is to sim­pli­fy mass spec­tro­me­try and dri­ve ef­fi­ci­en­cy in che­mi­cal ana­ly­sis for la­bo­ra­to­ry and in­dus­tri­al mar­kets world­wi­de.
Our team is com­po­sed of high­ly ta­len­ted and mo­ti­va­ted in­di­vi­du­als dri­ven by a hun­ger for in­no­va­ti­on. Tech­ni­cal ex­per­ti­se and fle­xi­bi­li­ty enable us to de­li­ver cus­to­mi­zed, sta­te-of-the-art hard­ware and soft­ware so­lu­ti­ons to our in­ter­na­tio­nal cus­to­mers.

At the core of Plas­mi­on is the pa­ten­ted SICRIT® Ion Source Tech­no­lo­gy, which is re­vo­lu­tio­ni­zing mass spec­tro­me­try ba­sed ana­ly­ses. To make this powerful che­mi­cal ana­ly­sis tech­ni­que more ac­ces­si­ble, we ad­di­tio­nal­ly of­fer an easy-to-use, mo­bi­le in­dus­tri­al sen­so­ry sys­tem spe­ci­fi­cal­ly de­si­gned for ana­ly­zing vo­la­ti­le or­ga­nic com­pounds (VOCs). This point-of-need turn­key so­lu­ti­on is ap­pli­ca­ble across a wide ran­ge of in­dus­tries, in­clu­ding cri­ti­cal and fast-evol­ving sec­tors such as phar­maceu­ti­cals, food safe­ty, and fo­ren­sics.

Chart showing the main Plasmion Team Values: Motivation, Impact, Reliability, Communication, Teamwork

Our Team

Photograph of Dr. Klaus Wutz, Plasmion team member

Dr. Klaus Wutz
Pro­ject Ma­na­ger

Photograph of Pe­tra Rome­ro, Plasmion team member

Pe­tra Rome­ro
Mar­ke­ting Ma­na­ger

Photograph of Mar­kus We­ber, Plasmion team member

Mar­kus We­ber
Ap­pli­ca­ti­on Spe­cia­list

Photograph of Dr. Jan Bucek, Plasmion team member

Dr. Jan Bucek
Head of Glo­bal Sa­les

Photograph of Se­bas­ti­an Wie­se­mann, Plasmion team member

Se­bas­ti­an Wie­se­mann
Pre­cis­i­on Me­cha­nic

Photograph of And­re Bahrdt, Plasmion team member

And­re Bahrdt
Soft­ware Dept. Head

Clau­dia Dre­her
Sup­p­ly Chain Ma­na­ger

Photograph of Kyle Pfohl, Plasmion team member

Kyle Pfohl
US Sa­les Re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ve

Photograph of Tay­lor Hay­ward, Plasmion team member

Tay­lor Hay­ward
US Sa­les Re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ve

Photograph of Cia­ra Con­way, Plasmion team member

Cia­ra Con­way
Lab Ma­na­ger & Ap­pli­ca­ti­on Spe­cia­list

Photograph of Ali­na Jessl, Plasmion team member

Ali­na Jessl
Pro­ject & Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Ma­na­ger

Photograph of Julia Haas, Plasmion team member

Ju­lia Haas
Working Stu­dent Mar­ke­ting & De­sign

Emi­lai­ne Cas­tro Pes­soa
Working Stu­dent Busi­ness De­ve­lo­p­ment & Sa­les

Dr. Di­vya Ramesh
Ap­pli­ca­ti­on Spe­cia­list

Dr. Ka­tha­ri­na Ho­hen­wall­ner
Ap­pli­ca­ti­on Spe­cia­list

The Heads

Photograph of Dr. Jan-Chris­toph Wolf

Dr. Jan-Chris­toph Wolf, CTO

Jan holds a mas­ter’s de­gree in che­mis­try from the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­nich. He spe­cia­li­zed in or­ga­nic and ana­ly­ti­cal che­mis­try and took a doc­to­ral de­gree (Ph.D.) at the De­part­ment of Ana­ly­ti­cal Che­mis­try hea­ded by Pro­fes­sor Rein­hard Niess­ner. Du­ring this time he gai­ned ex­ten­si­ve know­ledge in ae­ro­sol che­mis­try, in­stru­ment / me­thod de­ve­lo­p­ment, and the area of​clas­si­cal ana­ly­sis, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in mass spec­tro­me­try. Bes­i­des, he in­de­pendent­ly con­duc­ted com­mis­sio­ned ana­ly­ses for va­rious in­dus­tri­al part­ners. Af­ter gra­dua­ti­on, Jan con­duc­ted a post­doc­to­ral re­se­arch at ETH Zu­rich (Switz­er­land) with Pro­fes­sor Re­na­to Zen­o­bi and be­ca­me a lea­ding ex­pert in the field of new io­niza­ti­on me­thods for mass spec­tro­me­try, so-cal­led „am­bi­ent“ io­niza­ti­on.

Dr. Tho­mas Wolf, CEO

Tho­mas holds a di­plo­ma in busi­ness ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Augs­burg. He spe­cia­li­zed in fi­nan­ce and in­for­ma­ti­on ma­nage­ment and took a doc­to­ral de­gree (Ph.D) at the De­part­ment of In­for­ma­ti­on Sys­tems and Sus­tainable IT Ma­nage­ment hea­ded by Pro­fes­sor Gil­bert Fri­d­gen at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Bay­reuth. Du­ring this time he work­ed for the Fraun­ho­fer FIT con­duc­ting se­ve­ral pro­jects with dif­fe­rent busi­ness part­ners like Me­ta­fi­nanz or Deut­sche Bank. Af­ter gra­dua­ti­on he work­ed se­ve­ral ye­ars for McK­in­sey & Com­pa­ny lea­ding en­ga­ge­ments in va­rious in­dus­tries like ad­van­ced in­dus­tries, au­to­mo­ti­ve & as­sem­bly, or glo­bal en­er­gy and ma­te­ri­als.​

Photograph of Dr. Tho­mas Wolf


  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020 – 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • Go-to-mar­ket


    In 2018, it fi­nal­ly hap­pen­ed: Plas­mi­on’s Go-to-mar­ket ba­cked by VCs and Busi­ness An­gels with sec­tor ex­pe­ri­ence.

    Plas­mi­on has been award­ed with dif­fe­rent pri­zes, among­st others the Ache­ma Grün­der­preis, the most re­now­ned pri­ce of the so­cie­ty for che­mi­cal en­gi­nee­ring and bio­tech­no­lo­gy.

    World map with a highlighted country (Germany) and the logos of three prizes (Businessplan Wettbewerb Schwaben, Achema Gründerpreis, Münchener Businessplan Wettbewerb) showing the Plasmion development story
  • Off to new shores

    Off to new shores

    Af­ter hit­ting the Ger­man mar­ket in 2018 with their SICRIT® ion source and re­spec­ti­ve add-on pro­ducts, Plas­mi­on part­ne­red with se­ve­ral sa­les and ser­vice part­ners to con­quer new count­ries in Eu­ro­pe and Asia.

    Plas­mi­on has also been na­med as one of the Red Her­ring Top 100 Eu­ro­pe, one of Hel­lo To­mor­ro­w’s Deep Tech Pio­neers, and was award­ed with the Fu­ture En­gi­nee­ring Award at Uni­ver­si­ty In­no­va­ti­on Chall­enge by Han­dels­blatt and Goe­the Uni­ver­si­ty.

    World map with eight highlighted countries and the logos of three prizes (Handelsblatt, Red Herring, Global Summit) showing the Plasmion development story
  • De­fy­ing the cri­sis

    De­fy­ing the cri­sis

    Du­ring the glo­bal pan­de­mic, Plas­mi­on con­tin­ued to ex­tend its sa­les and ser­vice net­work with se­ve­ral part­ners all over the world, to in­crease the glo­bal pre­sence and build up re­si­li­ence for the ye­ars to come.

    Bes­i­des, Plas­mi­on has been award­ed with the In­ter­na­tio­nal Food-Tech award in sil­ver by the Ger­man Agri­cul­tu­ral So­cie­ty and na­med fi­na­list at the Wi­ley Ana­ly­ti­cal Sci­ence Award.

    World map with ten highlighted countries and the logos of two prizes (DLG, Wiley Analytical Science Award) showing the Plasmion development story
  • On the tracks of Chris­to­pher Co­lum­bus

    On the tracks of Chris­to­pher Co­lum­bus

    Af­ter be­ing able to suc­cessful­ly es­tab­lish and grow with the busi­ness in Eu­ro­pe and Asia, Plas­mi­on fi­nal­ly hit the United Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca, the home turf of most of the big mass spec­tro­me­try ven­dors.

    Bes­i­des, Plas­mi­on came up with its Ha­Voc pro­duct line, a sen­so­ry sys­tem ba­sed on mass spec­tro­me­try for in­dus­tri­al real-time mo­ni­to­ring of VOCs. This in­no­va­ti­on right away has been re­ward­ed with rank #4 at the Ana­ly­ti­cal Sci­en­tist In­no­va­ti­on Award 2022.

    World map with thirteen highlighted countries and the logos of one prize (Analytical Scientist Innovation Award) showing the Plasmion development story
  • Hard by the wind

    Hard by the wind

    In the first half of 2023, Plas­mi­on of­fi­ci­al­ly an­noun­ced a Co-Mar­ke­­ting agree­ment with Agi­lent Tech­no­lo­gies, one of the big­gest MS ven­dors. Bes­i­des, Plas­mi­on com­ple­men­ted its pro­duct port­fo­lio for lab ap­pli­ca­ti­ons with the long-awai­­ted LC-Mo­­du­­le, which en­ables the cou­pling of li­quid chro­ma­to­gra­phy with the SICRIT® gas-pha­­se tech­ni­que.

    Alt: World map with three highlighted countries showing the Plasmion development story